Ch - 7

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All those incidents had a great effect on Jimin's father's health. Everybody was stressed about King's  health. Nobody slept that night including Jimin.

Y/N wakes up next morning  and finds Jimin was not beside her. She calls for maid who informed her about Jimin's father's health and how everyone is there since last night.

She smirked on realising that her plan worked out.

Y/N - This is just the beginning Parks. Get ready for more such sleepless nights.


Y/N joins the other family members and apologizes along with Jimin to his father.

King - Y/N for me you and Jen are just like my Haeun. I would never want anything like that to happen with any of my daughter. Please be careful from next time to avoid any such miss happenings in future.

Y/N rolls her eyes internally but keeps an apologetic face.


Everything went on smooth from that day. Just y/n was looking for next opportunity to seek her revenge.

Time Skip

Yoongi was going somewhere but he saw y/n on his way. She was sitting all alone like a lost child and surely was upset . Yoongi thought maybe she is missing her family or is upset from event of that day.

He approached her and caressed her hair.

Yoongi - Is everything okay y/n you look sad?

Y/N looks up to see Yoongi. His voice and actions were so humble that y/n literally felt like an elder brother is worried for her sister. Though she hates them all but for some reason she is unable to bring up that hate for Yoongi. Maybe she has always seen him like an elder brother. 

Y/N - Yes Brother . It's just that I was feeling homesick a bit today.

She genuinely smiles this time while Yoongi was filled with guilt once again on hearing 'Brother '. Yoongi pushes that guilt aside and talks to her.

Yoongi - Even this is your home y/n and we are your family too . Just like Haeun is my younger sister you too are my sister. I am your  B...Brother too.

It takes so much for Yoongi to say that word.     Y/N 's heart get filled with so much warmth because of his words.

Yoongi - And do you want to know a top secret.

Y/N nods eagerly

Yoongi - Whenever you and Jimin will get into any fights. I will always be at  your side.

Y/N giggles and so does Yoongi.

Y/N - Yoongi B-Brother!

Yoongi nods and y/n immediately hugs him like  she has just got the elder brother she missed her whole life. Yoongi too caresses her hair and his guilt is overtaken by love this time.

Jen - Y/Nie you are very lucky that Yoongi has opened up with you so early otherwise he is the person who never shows his true emotions.

Jen too hugs y/n.

Jen - And by the way what you both brother sister were planning against my brother in law?

she keeps her hands on her waist and narrowed her eyes making  Yoongi and y/n chuckle

Jen - Even though you both have teamed up against my Jimin  but remember Jimin is not alone he has his Jen noona with him.

Yoongi chuckled and nods.

Haeun - Well! I will go for the party which will treat me later. ( grins )

Y/N - Haeun! (pouts)

Haeun - Oh no my unnie is best. (winks)

Everybody chuckles and for these moments y/n actually forgets everything and enjoys these moments just like their new family member.


Time Skip

Today Jimin was sleeping beside y/n just then his sleep is disturbed by movements beside him. He opens his eyes and finds y/n shivering and murmuring something in gibberish. Jimin immediately gets up and calls her name but she doesn't responds so he comes closer and pats her cheeks calling her name. Y/N gasps and immediately opens her eyes.

Y/N - Angel! (shouts)

She immediately hugs Jimin and calms down in his embrace. Jimin rubs her back and blushed on that name 'Angel' . She called him that when they met for the first time. His curiosity towards that name increases now.

His grins on seeing her sleeping peacefully in his embrace. His touch and embrace was ten folds more calming and effective as compared to her caretaker's as if he was made just for her.


Married to Rival Kingdom Prince || JIMIN ff (feat Yoongi and J.Jk) Where stories live. Discover now