Ch - 16

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Jungkook - By the way do you know a secret about your father dear wifey?

King's eyes widens who shakes his head constantly in denial

Jungkook - if you are insisting so much then let me tell her. Do you know you are not the only one whom this man has sacrificed.

Y/N furrowed her eyebrows.

King - Noooo! No! No! Don't! ( shouts)

Jungkook - He sacrificed your brother too before you and because sacrifice demands death-

He looks at King who was crying and shouting in denial and then towards y/n who was dumbstruck.

Jungkook - if he wanted he could have saved your brother but he sent him with a weak protecting armour in front of a brilliant warrior like Yoongi and as planned Yoongi's one move was enough for him. He wanted to win that battle at any cost even if it costed his children

Y/N - (eyes glistens) So your family really never mattered to you ! Am I right dad and here I struggled everyday in hope that you will accept me one day....even hate will be a small word for you-

Jungkook - Wifey! we don't have whole day with us I really need to get rid of this man as soon as possible. I just can't bear him in front of my eyes any more.

He orders his men who forced him on his knees in front of Jungkook as he orders priests to continue with their rituals and within few minutes her father was offered in front of that black wall in front of her eyes. She closed her eyes when he got beheaded.

Jungkook - So we are done with first task for today! now let's get to the last part! As you know wifey you have turned 20 that is the vessel of power inside you is now filled till brim with your special powers and energies and I would like you to share them with me (smirk)

They dragged y/n to a black room and tied her on chairs as Jungkook recited some lines while throwing some ashes on her and the person tied on chair beside her. Wait... She has someone beside her who is tied on a chair?... She looks at chair beside her with furrowed eyebrows where someone is tied and covered with a black cloth on that.

Jungkook asked a guard to make a circle with  some black pebbles around their chairs but when that guard moved towards chair covered with black cloth, he stumbled on his feet and he gripped that black cloth as he  fell along with it. Y/N's eyes widened as if she has seen a ghost by seeing the person tied next to her.

Y/N - J-Jungkook! Jungkook!!

She finds Jungkook tied on that chair beside her. But if Jungkook is tied beside her then who is that person standing in front of her???

?? - Whoops! What happened wifey! (laughs like a maniac). So finally even this secret is revealed to you before your death. You are such a lucky lucky girl!!

Y/N - W-Who are you?

?? - That doesn't matters anyways since I am burning you both down along with this black room and then I will continue to thrive with this identity of Jungkook like I always had in past. (smirk)

Y/N gasps at his confession

?? - Don't worry wifey you actually got married to me in your past life so you are really not Jungkook's wifey but mine. (smirk)

Y/N - F-from how long you have held  Jungkook captive here.

?? - Umm... from the day your marriage was fixed with him. This boy was easy to tackle down and I really enjoyed being at his place with his identity all these years...

She looked at Jungkook with apologetic eyes because even he is a victim of this person.

?? - We  have wasted enough time now let's get back to work wifey (smirk)

Y/N becomes restless as she tries to free herself from that chair. She struggles and struggles as he laughs at her. That's it she was on verge  of crying when her heart pains and she starts  shouting Jimin's name with all her heart and soul.

?? - (laughs) There is no way he can come here y/n! and now ashes of powerful creatures like you both will give me enough power to stand against my brother who is king of Black Onyx.

After completing his ritual he smirks at her  while throwing a stick on  fire in that room but instead of burning that room from inside it throws it's flames outside as they all jumped back that's when Jimin appears in front of y/n. Her eyes lightened up on seeing Jimin as she shouts his name with glistening eyes. He kneels down in front of her as he  cups her face  in concern.

Jimin - I am sorry I know I am late!

Y/N - No you are on time like always love! it's me who is late for you.  (smiles sadly)

Jimin caresses her cheeks as he leans to give a soft peck on her lips he unties her quickly and moves her behind him. Y/N unties Jungkook too who is unconscious and stands behind Jimin.

?? - H-Hyung! What are you d-doing here?

Jimin - It's time to pay for what you did with these innocent people Jaemin! I Jimin... the king of black-

Jaemin falls on his knees in front of Jimin as he sobs

Jaemin - I am sorry hyung please forgive me. Don't do this with me. I don't want to go there. I have already been there once and it's worst than hell.

Jaemin knows that Jimin is the king of his black world and he cannot go against him or he will   be burnt  into ashes instantly and because he can not go against him directly so he opted for this indirect way to bring him down.

Y/N's POV - Hyung? So he is Jimin's younger brother. Now i know from where he got that Jimin's stamp on that letter and why did that letter looked so original as if it is really sent by Jimin.

Y/N's heart clenched on remembering that day again as her grip tightens on Jimin's shoulder.
Jimin fumes in anger

Jimin - Jaemin you have crossed your  limits this time!! Being  your elder brother I have given  you everything my love my support and this is what you are giving me in return!! 

Jimin's heart pains at these thoughts . Just then something strikes Jaemin's mind and he starts laughing again confusing Jimin.

Jaemin - I guess you have forgotten Hyung that your wife was offered to me. I am the devil she was offered to so according to laws of our world she belongs to me and I can do whatever I feel like you cannot stop me. (chuckles devilishly) And..and.. and..... If you tried to stop me you will be going against laws of our world which will result in you losing your current position as King of black onyx...

Jaemin - Oh Jaemin how can you be so smart boy!! Now get aside and let me have my way with my  prey in front of your eyes

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Jaemin - Oh Jaemin how can you be so smart boy!! Now get aside and let me have my way with my  prey in front of your eyes. (grits his teeth towards y/n)

Y/N gasps as tears starts rolling down her cheeks. She holds Jimin's arm more tightly. Jaemin strides towards y/n with so much black energy  that as he holds her arm tightly  this time even Jimin's black ring is unable to protect her . He pulls her away from Jimin and throws her as she lands on floor wincing in pain.


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