Ch - 13

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Y/N slowly opened the door of Jimin's room. She was intimidated by the interior of his room, Unlike hers which he tried to keep soft.

She softly calls for him and hears the sound of shower. She decides to stay and wait for him. She gets up immediately as the sound of shower stops. Jimin comes out with a towel around his waist while ruffling his hair. She gasped silently on seeing his wet hair and well chiselled body covered with tattoos and finds him hot and intimidating. Jimin stops in his  path on seeing her but he ignores her and walks to his closet.

Y/N - Jimin! Are you ignoring me (pouts)

Jimin almost melts on seeing her  soft side for the first time while Y/N's heart clenched at his ignorance because he is always around her showering her with all his attention.

Y/N - J-Jimin! (calls him softly)

Jimin almost closes his eyes fluttering shut as his name rolled from her tongue so softly for the first time.

Y/N - Listen! See I am really sorry!! I know I should be grateful to you for taking care of me and I really am to be honest!

Jimin smiled still backfacing her. He bites his lower lip to prevent himself from grinning more at her words.

Y/N - Jimin! (whines) stop ignoring me! I am really not liking it now!

She goes and turns around Jimin who was smiling. His smile fades immediately on seeing tears in her eyes as he cups her face in concern.

Jimin - Are you true with your apology?

Y/N - Yes! I am sorry for hurting you Jimin. I really am !

Jimin smiles nodding, Y/N grins in happiness as she hugs him but her breath hitched on feeling his bare skin and she parts immediately as her cheeks and ears turns red in embarrassment.

Jimin - Like what you touched darling ! (teasing smile)

Jimin chuckles as she leaves immediately.

She runs inside her room closing door behind her as she was a blushing mess.


Jimin tucks her in duvet and  sighs. He knows armys are approaching them and he really needs to keep her safe. He caressed her hair pecking her forehead before walking out of room.

Next day Y/N was busy  with  Jimin's black owl and vulture . She was caressing their feathers as their eyes were closed enjoying her touch.

Jimin - I see someone is loving their  new company. (chuckles)

Owl flies and sits on Jimin's shoulder who moves his hand to caress his body.

Y/N - They both are really cute (giggles). I didn't know you had pets.

Jimin smiles as he takes a seat beside her

Jimin - Give me your hand!

Y/N gives her hand as Jimin slides a black diamond ring in her ring finger.

Y/N - (gasps) W-What's this Jimin?

Jimin - It is for your protection love! I feel things are going to be tough in upcoming days and I need to protect you at all cost!

Y/N looks at him and his ring in admiration as it sparkled for the first time. Jimin smirks looking at  first sparkle of ring before blushing away maybe he knew something more about that ring which she didn't.

Y/N - and you really got ring of   size of my ring finger to be precise? (narrows her eyes)

Jimin - (massages his nape as he blushed) Actually it is supposed to be worn on ring finger love! This is not an ordinary ring. I will explain about it to you someday later.

Married to Rival Kingdom Prince || JIMIN ff (feat Yoongi and J.Jk) Where stories live. Discover now