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Today king was finally retiring and Yoongi was all ready to take that position.

Y/N has just returned after meeting her father.

Y/N'POV -  If I would have known that the actual culprit was Yoongi I would have.... (her eyes shined with pain, rage, anger and betrayal, she was hurt that the man who was a brother to her is actually the main culprit of her real brother)

Y/N's POV - (grits her teeths on seeing smiling faces)  today I will make you realise Jimin that marrying me was your biggest mistake of life (smirk)

She decides to proceed with what her father has  taught for today's event.

Haeun - Unnie what are you doing here come quickly! I am already so excited!!

Soon event begins

Y/N watched as Jimin's father officially stepped down from throne after removing his crown. Jimin grinned on seeing Yoongi standing next to throne. He was all ready to walk up stairs to reach that throne finally. Jimin holds the hand of Y/N as he innocently grinned towards her.

Priest - I officially announce Yoongi as-

Y/N - WAIT!!

Jimin's Mom - What happened Y/Nie

Y/N moves from her place and walks towards priests.

Y/N - I read some law books of this kingdom and.... I came across a law... (she looked towards Jimin who was giving her a small smile).... Candidate who is eligible for the throne can be challenged by men of  his family for throne.... So..... I Y/N.... being spouse of  Park Jimin wants to challenge Yoongi on behalf of Jimin!!

Everybody gasps except Jimin's Uncle who grins wickedly nodding his head. Jimin's head spins as he could not believe what he has just heard. He immediately walks towards y/n and holds her arm as he turns her around.

Jimin - W-What are you s-saying y/n!! We are not doing anything like that! Did you get me!! (whispers)

Y/N removes her arm from his grip

Y/N - Why Jimin! Even i want that throne for my husband!! Your parents must have forgotten that they have two boys but I can't!!

Jimin - Y/N! (shouts)

Jimin's uncle -  Don't shout Jimin! She is probably the only one who is thinking about you here, rest all are here for Yoongi!

Jimin - But I don't want that throne! It belongs to my Hyung!!

Jimin's uncle - Don't be stupid Jimin! You are lucky that  your wife is brave enough to speak so you are getting a chance to fight for yourself!

Jimin's father - What do you want to say Taeun? You wanted to challenge me during the time when I was crowned!

Jimin's Uncle - Yes! If you want to listen the truth then Yes!...

Soon the place where everybody was celebrating became all silent and only some noises of arguments between Jimin's father and Uncle were heard who were shouting on other hand Jimin was explaining Y/N who was being stubborn about her decision.

Yoongi breaks the silence and arguments asking Jimin to fight him for that throne.

Jimin's eyes widens

Jimin - H-How am I s-supposed to fight with  you hyung? Just give us a minute I am talking to Y/N, she will withdraw that challenge.

Yoongi - come on now don't be a coward. Your wife wants you to fight for her and yourself then being a warrior you should be ready for these situations.

Jimin breaks at this point

Jimin - P-please don't do this to me!!

Priest - Sorry but once the candidate is challenged you have no option left other  than to fight him.

Jimin looks at y/n with so much pain in his eyes that her heart clenched on his condition almost making her feel guilty.

Soon fights were arranged and as Yoongi won most of them he was crowned as next King.

Jimin's Uncle - I am proud of you Y/N finally someone did what I couldn't.

Y/N rolls her eyes internally.

Y/N's POV - Yeah because you really never loved your brother, you were always greedy for that throne but  Jimin did. He loves his brother more than any throne  and today he earned my respect for that!.... Sh it! What did I just say!!... No i hate him!!

Suddenly she remembers that she hasn't seen Jimin after today's events. She starts worrying about him and begins searching for him. She finally finds him on one of the roofs. He was standing quietly and staring the moon. Y/N walks towards him. She tries to hold his shoulder.

Y/N'sPOV - I don't think so if he  wants to talk to me or  see my face ever after today's event.

She gulps but holds his shoulder. Jimin looks over his shoulder without turning back and sighs.

Y/N - I-I am sorry please! (whispers)

Jimin - Please Y/N just give me sometime. I promise I will talk to you once I will be alright. (says softly)

Y/N - Jimin! Nobody is talking to me after today's incident. I-I don't know where to go. I have no one other than you (she speaks the truth)

Y/N - I-If you will ignore me h-how (sobs)

Though Y/N did what her father told her but she was facing consequences now. Her heart was really delicate, sensitive and pure just like a child.
Jimin melts at her tears. He turns around and hugs her immediately as she weeps on his chest apologising to him constantly. Jimin caresses her hair.

Jimin - Hush love! It's okay. I am not going anywhere. I promised you I will always be there for you.

And for the first time maybe because her emotions were true for him. She observed a black diamond ring being formed on her ring finger which  fluctuated before disappearing again. She furrowed her eyebrows as her vision was blurry because of crying.

 She furrowed her eyebrows as her vision was blurry because of crying

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They part as she observed  black  waves forming behind Jimin in moonlight. It was the same waves which she feared every night. She gasped and stepped back as his eyes turned black for a mere second.

Y/N - I-I guess I am tired. I need sleep.

That night she slept with Jimin's arm around her waist as he was still disturbed from today's events so Y/N provided him with as much comfort as she could.
She turned around and spots a black owl and vulture on her window . She gasps and closes the window of their room immediately.


Married to Rival Kingdom Prince || JIMIN ff (feat Yoongi and J.Jk) Where stories live. Discover now