hanging out..

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[No one's Pov]

Cross shouted from not so far approaching Epic as they we're in McDonalds

"Hey Bruh, what's up?" Epic asked narrowing his eyes to Cross

"Eh nothing's really up but, I'm pretty bored" Cross shrugged from boredom

"Well, I don't know what you really expect me to for ya bruh," Epic replied bluntly

"Uhh we should hangout??, have our bruh and dude moments??" Cross looked at Epic wanting to do something that could entertain him

"Eh I mean sure bruh, We can throw water balloons at Nightmare!" Epic excitedly exclaimed

"But he'll get mad dude-" Cross didn't want to die so soon from Nightmare and doesn't like the consent of this idea

"That's the point bruh we're gonna get him mad n' stuff and we'll be hiding!" Epic happily and excitedly stood up

"Er I don't this that's a good idea dude.." Cross mumbled but it's audible

"What could possibly go wrong bruh?" Epic stood next to Cross nudging his elbow to Cross

"Cmon dude.. I don't really trust what we are risking" Cross worriedly said

"oh come on bruh! Don't be a chicken!" Epic smiled as Cross sighed

"God.. Fine dude.." Cross get more worried since he's literally putting his life on the line you know what they say

'anything for your friends'

"Then let's get going bruh!"
Epic pointed to the door

no one was at McDonalds at the time
Just the cashier watching them awkwardly

as Epic started to walk Cross held his hand
"huh?" Epic looked at Cross then his hand

"o-oh! Sorry dude!- I didn't uh mean to er-"

Epic cut Cross off

"It's alright bruh! Let's get going!"

They both walked to the exit hand in hand
as Epic suddenly kick the glass door

"Dude!-" Cross looked at the damage Epic has caused as Epic felt like he was in big trouble

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" Classic or as In the original Sans exclaimed mad

"Why did you— oh shucks-" Cross stop himself when he heard Classic spoke

"Uh.." Epic felt like stone and didn't move just stunned as Cross snaps his finger and the door fixes itself

Classic sighs and signals them to leave

"Ahah Sorry Classic! We'll go now!" Epic awkwardly opened the door with his free hand and left with Cross out of the blue

Cross starts to chuckle

"What's up Bruh?"
Epic glared at Cross confused

"Haha- Oh nothing!"
Cross blurted out still laughing as Epic stood there confused as hell

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