Movie night [Updated]

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A/N: HEY HEYYY! I'm back with a new chappie!, Well hope ya guys miss me or not, well I mean i supposed this is another chapter for today!, wooo!, oh well sorry if I uh kinda worried yall if I haven't made a new chapter of this book, but hey!, no worries!, I'm all good!, School and Family stuff are pretty much a little bother but I'm fine with it :D, Anyways! hope you guys enjoy this chapter !



as Fresh, Ink and error.. Came back everything was all set now, Error bring one of his beanbags.., Fresh brought his own uh Furby plush, and Ink.. uh.. maybe he just brings some snacks?, They're in Their own pj's

Cross and Epic were in the couch together just.. cuddling (wink wink)
..while Fresh is in the corner of the sofa and of course his just hugging his own Furby plush

Dialogues starts now,

Okay before that actually starts maybe Epic's Line is like "Example"

from now on?, so it can be all Dialogues without saying whose actually talking?

or I could still add two lines and details too

alright there line or Dialogues is like

"example" -Epic

"example" -Cross

"ExAmPlE" -Error

"Example" -Ink

"example" -Fresh

- -------- -
Done please tell me if its clear,
- -- -- --- - -

Real story starts here!

as error looked at the two love birds,
he opened his own mouth trying to say something, Ink noticed error
"Hey error, Do you wanna ask a question?" Ink asked

"Eh.. A-AbOuT tHose two A-anomAlies?"
[Eh.. about those Two anomalies?]

Error 'Vice Versa'd" the asking to Ink as a Exclaimed Whispered Response..

"Oh!, They're uh.. Actually Togethe-"
Ink got interrupted by Error

"O-oH.. W-Well t-tHe-y-y s-seemed t-to l-look h-HaPpy?, D-Don't t-they?"
[Oh.. Well they seemed happy?, don't they?]

Error Exclaimed in a Upset glitch kind of voice

"Oh.. Don't worry error!, I'm sure you'll find someone sooner or later!" He said in a happy tone, trying to cheer Error up

"Y-yOu tH-hink-k s-so?"
[you think so?]

error looked up to ink

"No.. I know so!"
Ink giggled softly

error's cheekbones lit up a Blue/Yellow tinted blush (CAUSED BY EMBARRASSMENT-)

Error's mood changed as he looked at the TV's monitor

"H-He-ey d-dont yoU t-Th-hink t-the m-MoVie-Es G-GeTtinG a l-litTle b-BorIng?"

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