' ' the confession , ,

496 13 5

"Yeah right, Uh But you didn't hear me mumble righttt?"
Cross asked rubbing the back of his head

"Er uh no Bruh?" Epic replied making it more like A question

"oh huh.." Cross mumbles

"Could ya tell me what you we're mumbling about bruh??"
Epic asked curiously

A sigh from Cross as he built up courage "Epic we have been friends for years right?"
Cross straighten his posture

"Uh yeah?" Epic answers

Cross takes a breathe
"I uhm.. uhhh.. i think it's time for me to really tell this to you"

Epic got confused
"Huh?, I thought you told me everything already tho?"

Cross exclaims
"I did told you everything but.. this time I was about to tell you what I'm hiding.."

Epic got a little surprised by cross' reply
"What do you mean bruh?"

Cross finally built up his courage to tell
And inhales
"Dude.. I uh want our relationship more than this.. I mean more than being bestfriends.."

Epic who kindly still listens to Cross
Revealing a small grin

Cross looks up to his own 'best'friend
Trying to make an eye-contact to him

"I understand that you won't like m—"
As epic cut him off by giving him a kiss

Cross gets attached to the kiss
and he kisses him back,
And then sadly Epic breaks the kiss
"I do like.. I mean I love you too cross, I truly do!"

Cross face lit up and looks at epic,
he hugs him, epic hugs him back
"Eh.. does this mean that were officially like.. uh boyfriends?"
Epic asks cross
"it's up to you! I mean it's official for me!"

Epic's blush appears a little but wasn't visible to cross' response, he giggled
"Guess we are" in a chill tone

Cross' face lit up
"Pfft.. yeah!"

A little awkward silence came
But doesn't last long
As epic breaks the silence
"Bruh!- can we get some cookies?"
Cross nodded and then Epic ran to the kitchen reaching for the Cookie jar at the top of the kitchen cabinets/drawers.

Cross just also went to follow Him
"Need some help?,"
He offered a help

"no need bruh I got this!" 
He continues reaching out to the cookie jar
"Almost ther–"
Epic trips and fell
Luckily Cross catched him in a bridal style

"Alright I told you that you really needed my help!"
Cross mumbled being really worried

Epic still being chill
"Heh.. sorry 'father' I didn't listen and I fell!" He chuckled

Cross just drops him off the floor
Epic gasp
"BRUH!! You didn't have to drop me!"

Cross exclaims
"Sorry dude, I don't like being joke around with!- heh.. well need a hand?"
He offered his hand as epic reaches for cross' hand
"Alright you can take the cookie jar using your own magic" cross added
Epic uses his magic to get the cookie jar and puts the cookie jar on the kitchen counter and opens the jar

As cross watches his Little boyfriend he had a slight grin on his face
"Alright I'll go to my room and change to my normal clothes, you can come there after I'm finished changing my clothes!"

Epic looks at Cross and nodded, he still eats

Cross ran upstairs to his room and changes his clothes and after he changed he also prepares the spare clothes for epic giving a slight smile while he prepares it

He yells "Epic!, You can come in!"

Epic heard cross as he left the cookie jar on the counter and run upstairs to cross' room

"Yeah bruh?" Epic replies

"Heres some clothes that you could wear!" Cross exclaims smiling

"Alright I'll change" Epic snaps to change his clothes

"Well you uh could stay at my house if you want too I mean we can call this a sleepover, I could really prepare some stuff"
Cross kindly say

"Really bruh?"
Epic couldn't resist

Cross smiles

Author's note: sorry this is pretty short than the last part!

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