【Under The Mistletoe?!】: ; Pt. 2

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As now is the day of Christmas..
The Three of the skellies came!,
which is known as Error, Ink, Fresh..

Error still haven't got a lover, Same as the old Error who's scared of being touched

Meanwhile Fresh just avoids on touching Error, I mean Dispite Canon Fresh not knowing what Boundaries are, He never shows sympathy on people's/skellies like him He just listens to Ink somehow.. since I mean I just thought Ink and Fresh gets along since Ink drinks Vials to feel feelings and while Fresh needs his Glasses to express his 'feelings'

The doorbell does its little ring ring,

Epic gets the door, seeing the three has presents with them on they're hands

"Oh!, Hey bruhs!"
Epic said in his Usual happy self

"Hey Epic! Hi Cross!"
Ink Exclaimed

Epic not knowing Cross was behind him
"You can come on in!"
Cross stated

The three came inside
Happily chattering with eachother
Except Fresh being in there way or somehow.. He isn't bothering them

But he had a little plan
Great timing..
Epic and Cross were under the Mistletoe

Ink and Error noticed and stared at the two Lovers, meanwhile Fresh Glasses switched to LOVE BIRDS
as he yelled
"Brah!, look above your heads!"

they both looked above with a slight confusion as they realised..

"Uh- Bruh, do we have too?"
Epic Asked in awkwardness

"I-it- o-only- h-haPpEns- o-onCe i-in a-a y-yEar- y-yknow!-"
Error Rolled his eyes a bit as a lighthearted joke somehow..

"Yeah uh true!-"
Ink added on Error's response

little did ya know..
Cross was too stunned to speak.
His currently flabbergasted, covered with mixed embarrassment

Epic looked at Cross
as he try to hold Cross' arm
"Bruh?, Uh Cross you alright?"

still no response

as.. Fresh yelled "Brahz don't be shy!"

Epic smirked but wasn't really visible..

"Heh, Bruh? y'know.. ya can't stay like that, I mean.. Fresh, Error, And Ink bruh are watching us, we cannot keep them waiting.."
As Epic snapped his fingers..

Cross shakes his head quickly trying to recover from his zoning out session..
"Wh- Uh- What, sorry I uh.. zoned out again.."
Cross scratched the back of his skull
He laughed it off..

"Now where were we.. um.. uh..."

"Oh! right the Mistletoe's still above us bruh!"
Epic was getting a little impatient due to his lover's slow movement

"Do we have to?.."
Cross whined a little

"Yes, Bruh!"
Epic Pulled Cross infront of him making themselves faced eachother's face..


they leaned at eachother's teeth..

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