『They're beautiful just like you, Bruh!』| NEW YEAR SPECIAL!

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It's the time of the year to finish
once again!
Time is fast.. and.. There's that time where.. people makes they're simple and typical mistakes everyday, it's just really simple it's like you apology they accept it.. just like kids.. heh..

Happy New Year..

As usual the two Lovers were quiet the same.. as something kinda changed?..

『Cross' POV』
I'd woke up as I stand up and look at the calendar , My Pinpricks Widen as I
thought to my self 'Holy.. Damn.. time is very fast.. I can't believe its new years eve later..' I sighed and go to the closet..
and took my Jacket out and wear it as i wore my shoes.. I would probably go to the kitchen straight away..

I saw Epic looking at me

"Oh, Hey Epic"

I smiled at him

"Yeah.. Heya bruh!, I uh.. Cooked us some breakfast, I hope you like it"

I looked at him as I tried to cover my blush
with the fur around my hood, I groaned

"Yeah.. thanks Epic.." as I took the chair so that I could sit on..

"Hey, bruh what's up?, are you alright?"

'God.. now I made him worried' I thought to myself

"Yeah, I'm good,I mean it's nothing really.."

He glared at me

"Bruh, I know your lying, please don't lie to me, I mean I'm not gonna force ya to tell me, but you have to.."

I took a deep breath and say..
"Uh, its just i have a plan for tonight and I was willing to take you on a date"
i hid my face pulling my hood down to cover up my face which is in a blushing statement

he chuckled at my gesture somehow he looks like his fine with it
"Well Sure bruh!"

"wait.. really?.."
I look at him still trying to hide my blush in my turtleneck

and he nodded..
I guess I'm taking that a yes?

「 Epic's POV 」

I nodded at Cross as
I chuckled a bit
"Heh, well where exactly are we gonna go bruh?"

he smiled at my question
"Well.. Maybe in outertale, there's some fireworks that are gonna launch in that au tonight, so what do you think about the plan?"

"Sounds like a great
plan to me tho"

as I took the pancakes out of the pan as i placed it on the plate and gave it to Cross

"Looks nice to eat already.."
he looks at the pancake as he slowly took a bite out of it

"Heh, Bruh that's because I cooked it for you bruh!"
making my sentence a bit like a flirt

He looks at me looking like his mad in a sarcastic way

I chuckled it off
"Sorry bruh-"

not mentioning his the only one who's gonna eat their own breakfast now because I ate before he woke up-

"so does 8pm sounds like a good time?"
he asked me

"Yep, better than being late tho"

〔 No one's POV 〕

As times goes by the two Lovers decided to meet in outertale
as they saw eachother

Cross looks at Epic
"Hey just in time!, I guess we'll just have to wait for the fireworks to arrive.."

Epic looks back
"Well, told ya bruh!, Pfft well yeah we could wait"

as Cross looks at the sky
thinking that something is kind of missing as he told Epic..
"Hey Epic I kind of left something so uh I'll be back!-"

he teleports to his house trying to find the Flowers and Necklace that says.. [My Dude] as he also wears his necklace
that says [My Bruh]
as he came back with it

Epic's Eye Sockets widen as he looks at Cross
"Bruh what's all this?,"

"Oh!- uh well I kinda forgot to give this Necklace to you-"
He gave it to Epic, as Epic wore it on

"Bruh, this looks goo-"

Cross interrupted him by saying
"Look Epic!, the fireworks!"

They took their time to take the moment of silence

as Cross gave the flowers too
"They're beautiful, aren't they?"

"Oh, They're beautiful just like you, Bruh!"
he chuckled


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