' ' Trick Or Treat ! , ,

294 6 3

Authors note: Chapter was Requested by @breadthedead  !, This Chapter is Just Fluff and Randomness so no triggers or anything at all! enjoy :D

as the next day goes by
the two were just cuddling somehow

Epic Thought of Asking Cross

"Bru- I mean Cross!-"
he scratch the back of his neck as a little sign of embarrassment

Cross smiled at Epic
"Yeah?, what is it Epic?"

"Would you like to maybe Celebrate Halloween? it's like uh, later night, we should probably start preparing our Halloween Costume?"
Epic Continued his sentence as a Exclaimed Response to his Boyfriend

Cross giggled
"Oh welll, Do you know what our Costume should be?"

Epic looked like he saw a 'Ghost'
as he looks at Cross
"I have no idea?- I uh- Do you think we should exchange clothes again I mean it looks Cool, but your clothing was pretty much hard to cope up with since your clothes were like getting hot-"

Cross blinks as he slightly had a blush on his face, He smiles by this as he claps to exchange clothes


"Can I atleast put the jacket on my waist againnn" as Epic whined at this 'state'

"Sure, go ahead Mi amor" Cross winks at Epic

Epic Covered up his face

and then door bell rang, there's might be some new guest!
as Cross opens the door, Epic Followed

as the door opened
Fresh and Ink was here

"Heya Broskiez!-"  Suddenly Fresh Glasses went from HEYA to WOAH
"Woah Broskiez, Tho I barely almost recognise ya two in those R A D I C A L outfi-"
Ink interrupted Fresh and then Fresh Glasses switched to UNRAD
"Heya Guys!, I was actually tryna ask you if we could maybe uh come inside, just wanna talk about something with Ya'll, also don't mind why Fresh is here, he just wants to"
Cross Sighs and let's them in

"We don't really mind we're actually also planning on decorating this house for Halloween " Cross lets out a chuckled after his sentence

Ink's expression changed
"Wait did you guys just switched clothes?-"

Cross Chuckled and scratches the back of his 'skull'
"Aha-.. yeah- uhm right Epic?-"

"Mhm!" Epic Exclaimed

Author's note: Got lazy for this Chapter but like- I really need a different Chapter for this, I might make a part two so I really apologise if this isn't the best one

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