' ' Trick or Treat ' ' AFTERMATH

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A/N: WoAh an aftermath?!, of course-
uh well this was pretty much the ending for the Halloween Special chapter, so uh I might not add some of the part where they Trick or Treat w/ their neighbours and the aus, probably this is more likely a hang out at the house having good laughs, and.. it sounds like a great idea does it?, yeah no it's nothing it's for like a plot and stuff, and the amount of Randomness inserted in this whole book

3rd person POV:

as they finished decorating the whole house with some Artificial Webs and some pumpkin next at the doorway it might seem a little nice to imagine how it looks..

Ink looks happy, Fresh Glasses went to RAD

say other than that Fresh was wearing a 'Nyan Cat' headband I mean Nyan cat has like a rainbow tail or smth right?, so he maybe looks like he has a fangs but still has his Glasses worn on

While.. Ink is uhm cosplaying as 'Fresh!Ink' but his just using a normal clothing or a simplified version of Fresh!Ink's Clothing..

Welp as you guys knew that Cross and Epic switched clothes for Halloween-

actually story starts here

Cross seems to be also happy by the final 'Product' of how it came out to look
"Ah.. Well this is pretty Rad-tastic"
he chuckled at the end of his sentence

Fresh didn't mind the pun,
and erm well about Epic he uh.. took another one of the cookies from one of the counters in the kitchen ehe-

Epic laughs 'Maniacally'

Cross heard it across the room
"Yo, Epic ya good?-"

As he continued laughing

"You sound like a dying Seagull-"
Cross Sarcastically Teased him

ink looks at the Clock which tells 11:00pm "An hour left till.. Halloweens over, Say do you mind if we could let Error come here?"

Fresh Glasses Turned to ?? ??
"Yo, Brozki, Doesn't he dislike me?"

Ink sighed
"Well I mean you can stay away from him just don't annoy him"

Fresh Glasses Turned to .. .. now its WELP

After Error had arrived having his costume as (attached photo can explain)

"H-He-ey- i-ink!¡-" He cheerfully say in his own Glitchy kind of voice but suddenly it didn't last it just

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"H-He-ey- i-ink!¡-" He cheerfully say in his own Glitchy kind of voice but suddenly it didn't last it just.. went to doom, since yknow Fresh was here, he didn't like that.

"W-wH- WHy ¡s the Rainbow A-abo-m-m¡nat¡on 9Øs Par-ras-site i
is here?!" He say in a Glitched voice

Fresh Glasses went to RUDE
"Yo, Ya know brozki. that's a little unrad and rude o' cha!" He had his arm criss-cross..
"Plus Ink brah here," he pauses and has his arm behind inks back "Told me dat I shouldn't bother cha today!" Error lift up his non-existent brow "well I don't know for how long but I guess I could give cha some space for now!"

Error got confused and blinks multiple times if that's.. Possible?
"Ə-Ęh?!- This i-isnt real right?!"
He slapped his self and he hissed a little at the damage and never knew the Parasite himself or should I say they're the one who's just had listened to ink FINALLY(?)

Ink Exclaimed "It's real, error"

Cross looks at the time it is now past Halloween
"Dang.. its past Halloween now but, the fun still lasts!"

Epic came back and he'd sit on the couch
"Movie night!"

Cross, Ink, and the other two was left empty minded , they paused at that speech but then they turned back to normal
"Well ya guys can go get your normal clothes I'd Say, Epic can borrow some of my clothes again-"

They all nodded, and went poof by
Fresh poof (eyebrow wiggle wiggle)

Epic sighs as he get up and went to close the door.

Next chapters a Movie night fellas!

Also happy late Halloween!- sorry this was a little short but worth it, Ehe- but well I mean since uh I liked this chapter alot, I guess this is a 150 reads Special!

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