' ' Teasing , , [updated]

442 9 11

Author's note:
Maybe a little Lime-ish(?) because of the flirts and teasing?

[No one's Pov]

As the two went down stairs

Cross was at the couch sitting he had nothing to do his probably bored so is epic since the jar is out of cookies, epic pouted "ugh.. this is unfair! There's no more cookies left!"

As this one little thought when through epic's mind but this little prank/teasing wouldn't hurt to try it on cross right?

Epic walks to towards to Cross in the couch so the teasing starts here

"Heyyyy bruh"
He chuckled

Cross flinches
"Oh hey, Epic.. got anything particular in mind?"

"Eh.. nothing really but.. your on my mind right now" Epic exclaimed with a wink

Cross doesn't mind the wink as he looked at the TV, but that doesn't stop epic from doing his little prank still

Epic tugged on cross' turtleneck, Cross got a little confused
"Uhh Epic, what are you doing?"

Epic looks at cross directly onto his eyes
"Resisting me?.."

Cross frowned
"Uh no no! I'm not resisting you, I would never.."

Epic smiled but it wasnt visible, as he gets close to Cross' face, Suddenly Cross tries to look away, Epic stops him from looking away from him by moving the posture of Cross' head and faces it to him gently
"Awh.. now you can't handle me?.."

Cross eyelights disappears
"Uh- Epic, I'm 'busy' please-"

Epic's little prank still isn't working
But he continues anyway by getting closer to his face again
"Cmonn.. please don't look away.."
Epic looks like his loosing his little patience, so he starts pecking on cross' lips(?) Cross was surprised by this
His face lit up and tries hiding his own blush and then he looks away
"Awhh.. your so flusteredd"
Epic chuckles by Cross' movement

Cross also thought of playing along with Epic's strange 'Prank'

Cross looks at Epic

Epic had a confused expression
"What's wron—"

And then Cross just kissed Epic not for long, he also wanted to tease him back

Epic got a little surprised yet, he had a slight smile and a little mix of confusion

He pulls epic a bit closer

"It's my turn now..."

he just blows on Epic's face as a tease or something (?)

[Epic's Pov]

"Eh?, Turn for what?"

He looks at me, with an inpatient smile?
I can't tell

He then said..
"It's my turn to tease you.."

How- how did he even know I was-

You know what.. as I told Cross
"Oh you think you could tease m—"

He kissed me again, I was getting more confused why his teasing me?

"May you please repeat that sentence for me?" He slightly smirks at me

"Oh.. well your still trying?"
I pulled him closer more, as my expression changed more serious-like(?)

"Pfft.. Well what are you gonna do about it?" He replied to me not taking my sentence serious

"Hm.. Choosing the hard way?"
As a little tinted blush appears but not that visible

And.. he pecks on my 'lips'
I don't really seem to mind it but his play along with my prank isn't even really working, but I guess I'll act it up?

"Oh well what else could it be?, I just wanted to see you being all flustered.."
He added

I just looked at him, giving him a slight smile, I then just hugged him , he then hugged me back, I guess me and him are a little tired for now..,

"You wanna cuddle up?"
I asked him

He gave me a slight mood putting him beside me, and cuddled him

Author's note:
Well same exact words as the last chapter- I mean it's also short, I apologise about that-

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