' ' Nightmare ' '

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Author's note alr before this uh part starts as for the title, I meant the nightmare not Corrupted nightmare so I hope it clears it up!

This chapter contains a little bit of Angst & Fluff, plus my uh 'AU'

It was that when the two were kind of cuddling and taking a lil nap

Cross' Aura kind of changed

Epic had his one eye a little half open as he looks at Cross' Expression as he kisses his forehead gently, giving a slight smile

Cross moved a little bit and he kinda mumbled something (?)

"..Dream... Why are you back here again?.."

As that little speech made Epic look worried he knew that Dream used to be Cross' Boyfriend.. He kinda wanted to wake Cross up but he decided not to do it..

Cross woke up crying from his 'nightmare'

Giving a slight loud speech


As he looks at epic he just snuggled on Epic's Turtleneck and he sobs

Epic looks way more worried and he pats Cross' head
"What was that all about?.."
He says in a worried tone

Cross backs up a little
"I-its nothing Epic!"
He laughs awkwardly

Epic looks more worried (if thats possible)
"Please don't lie to me.. I thought
you promised me?.."

"..fine I'll tell you about it.."
Cross became a little nervous

"You know about dream right.. I mean he used to be my boyfriend, so this uhm nightmare.. he was kind of planning some stuff.. he wanted me back, I don't really wanted to.. so basically he kissed me Infront of you.." As he looks at Epic

"I.. I promise it won't happened!" Epic just wanted to say some positive stuff to cheer up cross

"I mean.. he uh.. kind of manipulated me into liking him.. he just use me to be his 'positive' energ—.."
Cross didn't finished his sentence as Epic cut him off

Epic looks like his a little mad
"He what now?!, Look you don't really do deserve him!, I mean afterall you never told me about this before.. I am not mad at you and I will never be mad.. just that I snapped out at this point.. He was actually getting on my nerves.. I also have been hiding this feelings from you.. this is why I was just staring mad at Dream, I mean—"

Cross kissed Epic
"Alright enough of talking about Him.. can we at least change the topic?"

Epic exclaims
"If you say so, My Oreo Bruh"
He winks at the 'oreo' part

Cross just gives a slight smile
"Thanks for Comforting me Epic.."

Author's note:

Uh My deepest apologies I didn't have any much of an ideas for this chapter soo
Ya can tell me what to do for the next one
Maybe some QnA for them two?

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