" Pride month special !! ; ,,

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— Start of A/N
Ahh, yes, Happy Pride Month to all the gays- I mean - TO ALL THE MEMBERS OF THE LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY!! :D
I am also part of the community!
I'm basically GenderFluid, and Currently questioning my Sexuality, anyways yes I'm back to continuing this Crepic Book!, Pretty much all the memories of writing here is pretty much my Coping Mechanism to Stress and Stuff!, so like I will make a chapter where you guys can request the ideas ya got for the chapters and stuff!

Anyways enough of chatting, let's just go with the story :D

— End of A/N

「No one's POV」

* It was the morning..
Sun is currently rising up..
As the aura flows around the whole environment..
The peacefulness is pretty nice..
Who wouldn't like this kind of stuff?..




Epic Barge in Cross' Bedroom
As he yelled, "BRUHHH!!"
Cross woke up in surprise as he saw Epic as he was a bit irritated
"What the hell, dude?!"
Epic was pretty excited as he was acting like a kid who was literally happy about their own birthday coming soon
"Bruh!, Do you know what day it is?!"
Epic asked
As Cross is confused
"Ermm.. Thursday, June 1?"
Cross yawned as he wiped the sleep in his eyes
"Dude.. What's so special about today?"
Epic suddenly fake gas
as Cross sat up on his bed as he looked at Epic, still confused
"Know what exactly?"

is eyes widened..
Cross was in complete confusion and shock as he quickly looked at the calendar that was beside his bed lamp
"..holy, you're right, Dude!-"
He'd taken his blanket off as he stretched out his arms
"Anyways.. What is on your mind right now?"
As he asked and looked at Epic
Epic was currently spaced out as he shook his head
"Wh- huh? What did you say?"
Cross facepalmed as he sighed
"I said, what's your plan for today?"
Epic awkwardly laughed as he put his arms on his hips
"Aha.. Uhm.. well, about that, bruh..,
I think I have got an idea!"
Epic cheerfully chirp
As Cross Gasp
As Epic inhales a bit
"What about we like have another movie night with the others?, or.. we could hang out by the waterfall at undertale? Perhaps I think classic might not be there, which is nice.."
As he criss-cross his arms
"Just the two of us.."
As he added as his mind shift to daydreaming while mumbling
Cross suddenly got a purple shade of blush on his face as he tried to break Epic's thoughts and babbling
"Erm... Epic??"
As he put a hand on Epic's shoulder
Epic shifts back to reality as he blinks
"Wh- huh- uhm-.."
He tries to process what had happened
"Oh man- im- so sorry! Bruh!"
Cross chuckled lightly
"It's not that much of a big deal, dude! Plus, why don't we go ahead and talk all of this out all the way to the living room?" Cross Asked
As he holds Epic's hand
"Sure, Bru-"
"And.. you still owe me that you will fix my bedroom door -"
Cross nudge him lightly
"Awh shucks.."
As he whined playfully
"Don't worry about it, dude,"
As he cackled a bit

A time skippers brought to you by the Bruh-tastic Author!

As they got to the living room
"Alright, dude.."
As he took a seat on the couch and thought
"Wait.. what's our Sexuality?"
He'd asked

//Technical Difficulties\\

"Whoops, wrong line !-"

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