QnA W/ The sanses! pt. 1

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Alright before we uhm start I kinda wanna do a normal text.., like just "Example"
for no confusion I just use the stuff so I can just kinda sometimes forget the thing Tho.

alr onto the uh chapter!

[Author Explaining the stuff]

"..Sigh.. Welll that's all ya guys have to do, just Answer some.. question?"

"Oh, Alright bruh!"
Epic Happily Exclaimed

1st question:

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1st question:

Epic looks at the 'question'

"It's a long story actually.., but I'll tell ya the other time bruh!"

as he scratch the back of his head

2nd Question:

"Erm.. Author what's a smol bean??-"
Cross Asked

Author slowly walks away

"Oh cmon! Don't leave me-"

- Anyways.. 3rd Question:

"W-WhO's b-blue?-"
Error Asked while Ink looks concerned

"I may have know who's.. 'blue' it's.. the fanon version of swap.."

Error Grabs Ink by the scarf

"Eh.. yeah-"

‐ 4th Question:

"..Sigh... Who the hell is blue?.."
Nm looks confused as Author approached him
"Hm?.. Oh.. its you.., what the funk do you want?"

"You see.. the fandom kinda destroyed half of uh.. Swap's Appearance making him a child-looking kind of uh how do I put this.." Author clears his own throat as he continues "Well.. they made him also a uhm a Psycho Yandere For uhm Dust?.. or maybe should I call Dust 'Murder'. Well here's a picture of him" Author hands a picture of Blue.

After few mins

"..Burn that thing, I DONT WANNA SEE IT!"
Nm throwing the picture on the ground

Author trying to calm nm down

again After few mins that nm calm down

"..Alright, Epic?, oh his fine I guess?.. uh well Since Cross isn't in my gang anymore.."

‐ 5th Question:

"..Uh Those Two?, and who's.. blue?"
Cross Looking really confused, As Epic
continues Cross' sentence

"Eh.. I don't really know if those Two would like each other bruh, Uh well I also don't really see them as lovers, I see them as Bestfriends, plus uh.. who's blue?, bruh?.."

- 6th Question:

Nm calmly say..

"Uh well.. Not really it's actually just a small 'fear', but I find the creature a little calm when it's right beside me.."

He carries the cat, and Puts it on his lap

- 7th question:

Killer holding the cat on his arms

"Oh!, Cats?, well actually I do!, Uh well.. I hope boss doesn't mind me getting another cat.. Ehe.. Well about the bunny thing, I sorta have Neutral feelings about it just, I feel 'hate-love'?, I don't really act much.."

- 8th Question:

Author Appears
"Lemme answer that for ya dear reader!, I actually have alot of ships since I'm a multishipper, and.. I do not call Swap 'blue' cause I go by semi-canon?.. and also I'll show the list!"

ErrorInk (I'm okay with it)
Cream (barely but more likely to ship it-)
Drink (idkk-)
InkDust (why not?- Sorry about this but in this book I'm not gonna use it here)
InkPassive (maybe Platonic or fluff)
ErrorPassive (may not work- or maybe it will but no-)
NightInk (It exists but I'm not sure Abt it-)
ErrorMare (Oh well my opinion changed- )
Killermare(Well I'm fine with it-)
FluffyMare (I think it's my comfort ship but it's still a little toxic..)
Murderswap/DustSwap (maybe but my shipping changed- but still)
Kustard (yes-)
FellLust (yes to-)
SwapLust (not sure)
HorrorDust? (not sure yet-)
HorrorEpic (ah well idk but it's cool-)
HorrorFarm (Wellll- why not-)
HorrorLust (I think it's a bit toxic-)
AfterDeath (COUGH)
Driller (oh welp-)
Crossmare (it's fine..)
Crepic (YESSSS)
Swadmare (uhhhhhhh- NO)
ErrorSwap (kinda okay-)
ErrorLust (it's fine ig?)
Cherryberry (WOOOOO)

don't kill me for this ships.. I just wanna tell my opinion no hate to the ships except that swadmare part it's pretty much incest tbh.

"And uh the hugging part?, I might skip that-"


"O-oH!, I m-might- do t-that soon, but I-I'll i-invite- just a f-few of t-those anomalies

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"O-oH!, I m-might- do t-that soon, but I-I'll i-invite- just a f-few of t-those anomalies.."


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