' ' Trick or Treat ' ' - 2

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Authors note:
Hey hey! I have finally had the urge to work on this second chapter, Welp I guess many Sceneries were gonna happen

Soooo basically unto the Story or what ever you call it!

also some little warnings there might be some swearing?-


As Fresh and Ink came inside the house of cross'

Pretty much the two Lovers were quite a little bit off,

as for Ink's point of view he looks a little concerned and confused,

while fresh's Glasses were ?? ?? ,

the house kinda went Quiet from the awkwardness not for long Cross decided to break it off,

"Uh.. Say, should we like start it off with the decorating or maybe do it later?"

Epic sighs and Puts his hand on Cross' back "Don't sweat it, bruh!"

"Yeah Datz Right Brah!" Fresh gets in between of Conversation of the Two,

Epic and Cross looked at Fresh with a concerned yet awkward kind of look

"Oh well.. I mean we haven't kinda ate
any food this morning.."

Ink's eye symbol thingy turned to ! ?
"You guys haven't what?!"
He said being worried

Cross sighed, as he went to the kitchen took two pieces of Toast

Ink Felt ignored as he still looked worried
"Is he okay?.."

Epic nodded
"Oh well, Ink can you get the decorations from the second floor, on the right room?"

Ink looked at Epic and nods
"Alright, Come on Fresh!"

Fresh Follows as Ink goes upstairs to get those decorations

and Then Cross came back with the toast,
Epic looks at Cross
"Oh hey Cros-"
Cross cut him off by shoving the other toast on Epic's mouth, as Cross looks at Epic, Epic's Eyelights Disappeared

as Cross changed the topic
"Say.. Where's the others?"

"Oh! they went to get the decorations from upstairs!" Epic Exclaimed

Cross Nodded as He noticed the two were secretly spying on them, he tugged on Epic's 'clothes' to make him look at the two

"You have to be kidding me!"
Epic Blurted as he looked annoyed

The two had a 'Oh sh-t' expression as they quickly goes upstairs

Cross just pats Epic's head
"Well I guess we'll have to wait for some min"


as the two were back with the stuffs
"Guys were back, Uh here are the stuff we found!"
Ink started the sentence just telling Cross and Epic that they're back as his face went pale

"Why we're you guys spying on us?"
Epic Asked

"W-well, Uh.. we kinda uhm getting some suspicious actions from yall?"
Ink forced a laugh

as Fresh Follow along Ink, his glasses changed to ?? ??
"Oh funk, it's about earlier isnt it?-"

Ink nodded quickly as he is still flabbergasted

- Epic's POV

I saw the two come I am still glaring at them

Cross nudged his arm at my side giving the gesture for me to stop

Well I guess I did what he told me to

I sighed as I say
"Guess you two were forgiven, But still please don't tell anyone about this situation.. Please?"

Cross looked at me as he whispered
"your telling them?"

I looked back at him and nodded

"Well it's time.."

- Ink's POV

What is Epic trying to tell us?

"Any ideas what we're they talking about?"
as I gestured to Fresh, He shrugged

"I don't know Brozki"
His Glasses turned to IDRK

- Third Person POV.

as Cross and Epic took a deep breath

Cross held Epic's hand as They both looked embarrassed

Ink tilted his head
Fresh just watching

Cross Sighed
"This is my Boyfriend, Epic!"

Epic blushed a little at this

Ink's eye sockets widen

He vomits 'Ink' but it didn't messed up the floor

Fresh Glasses Turned to AYO?

Epic nods

Authors note: I'll make part 3 if I reach 150 reads or maybe I might make a one-shot on this book, I mean I will name it ' ' One Shot ' ' basically it's just fluff or either angsty, I don't wanna make any lemons cause I'm a Minor myself.., So uh I can write Lime, sooo yeah, This book was supposed to be Fluff, but I just made it a little random and this book contains 700 words bc I made this typing of mine:'D

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