Sebastien walked into the kitchen and was immediately assigned multiple tasks. He tied his apron, washed his hands, and pretended to not know that Alek was leaving tomorrow.
They're not even dating, but he feels so close to him. He's gotten so used to the Alek's constant presence in his life. He isn't even gone yet and Sebastien's stomach is twisting uncomfortably at the thought of his absence.
"Alright, spill." Ben tossed a towel over his shoulder and leaned against the counter next to Sebastien. "And don't give me any shit, I can tell something is wrong."
"Alek is leaving tomorrow and he won't be back until Sunday." Sebastien said, not in the mood to drag out conversation.
"Oh. I...don't really know what to say to that, Bash." Ben said.
"That's a first." Robbie chimed in.
Ben threw him a middle finger, not looking away from Sebastien. "I just mean I don't know your situation. All I know is that he gave you a hand job and you've fucked a few times."
"We're not dating, if that's what you mean. He's publicly with Chloe, so he can't exactly get into another relationship."
"But he can fuck you on the DL?"
Sebastien glared at him. "Regardless of Chloe, I don't even know if he feels that way about me. I know he's gay, but what if he's just using me to get off? Let out his pent up gayness or whatever."
"It's possible." Ben sighed. "And I hate that because I know you really like him. But you know what I'm going to say."
"I know. Tell him how I feel and if he doesn't feel the same, break it off because I don't deserve to be treated this way." Sebastien rolled his eyes.
"Bingo." Ben patted his shoulder.
Sebastien sighed, deciding to change the topic since he didn't want to think about it anymore. "I golfed with him and his dad today. I won."
"Oh shit, really? That's..great?" Ben hesitated.
Sebastien chuckled and nodded. "It was. He's not all bad. I mean, it's fake as hell, but it works. I just wish it extended outside of him trying to manipulate his son and the media."
"That'd just make our jobs too easy, Bash."
Sebastien chuckled and raised his eyebrows. He turned back to the half-empty sink. "He's buying me a beer after work today because he promised one to the winner and I beat Alek with two strokes under par on hole nineteen."
"Are you kidding? When did you learn to play golf?" Ben asked with wide eyes.
"I work at a country club. I see old white dudes play golf every fucking day. And it helps that when Alek is ranting about how much he hates golf, he gives really good pointers." Sebastien smiled.
"We'll see if daddy Rochester keeps treating you like a human outside of today." Robbie added.
"Oh I don't expect him to, but it makes things with Alek hotter." Sebastien shrugged.
Ben rolled his eyes and pushed himself off of the counter. "Aw, when's the wedding?"
"Haha shut the fuck up." Sebastien glared at him, then went back to washing dishes.
After he cleaned up the kitchen and the bathroom (where upon entry, he reminisced about Alek fucking him against the wall a bit longer than he should've), Sebastien sat down at a table next to Alek and across from Mr. Rochester.
They were sitting in a different location than Sebastien was used to seeing the Rochesters in, since their smaller tables are mostly lined up next to the windows, and the Rochesters always need a bigger table in the middle of everyone.
Michael was stiff and not nearly as nice or polite as he was earlier, but if he wasn't critiquing or yelling at him or Alek, it's a win.
Sebastien drank his beer slowly, his hectic day catching up with his body. His eyes felt heavy and he could smell Alek. Everything in him wanted to lean over and fall asleep on his shoulder, but he refrained.
Michael was talking about golf--no surprise there--and trying to convince Sebastien to play professionally. Honestly, he was getting like every three words, but continued to nod and hum like he understood him.
Ben reappeared, Michael having waved him over to order something to go. Sebastien chuckled weakly as Ben sent him that look that perfectly encapsulated how it felt when someone ordered right before closing.
As Michael was preoccupied, Alek leaned close to Sebastien and placed a hand on his thigh under the table. "You okay?"
Sebastien's heavy eyes opened a bit wider and he turned to face Alek. "Tired."
"I'm sorry, baby." Alek rubbed his thigh gently. "Does that mean I can't come say goodbye tonight?"
"No, no, please do. I'm awake enough for you. I just want to be home." Sebastien said.
Alek leaned away as Michael finished speaking to Ben, but he kept his hand on Sebastien's thigh.
Later that night, Sebastien was clinging onto Alek tightly as if any one of his shaky breaths would be his last.
They made a mess of his apartment, painted the walls with their loud sounds, switched positions four times, and kissed each other more than ever before.
Sebastien wanted nothing more than for the night to end with Alek's arms wrapped around him and his breath fanning his skin, but the second they calmed down, Alek stood and began getting dressed.
"I hate to leave so abruptly, but I have to get home." Alek pulled his shirt over his head. "I literally snuck out to be here."
"I know." Sebastien smiled sadly. "I understand."
Alek bent down, hovering his mouth over Sebastien's. "I wish you didn't have to."
Sebastien held the back of Alek's head, wanting to kiss him just a bit longer.
Alek chuckled into his mouth and slowly pulled away. "I'm sorry, Bash. Just five days."
"Just five days." Sebastien repeated, then lifted his head in Aleks direction,"Wait. What about your week? Will we just resume when you get back?"
"Nah." Alek smiled. "I don't need an excuse to spend time with you anymore."

Random[Proper description in progress...] This one is much more tame than Hedon lmao. There's also some Google translate provided Spanish and I'm so sorry 🤡