Getting back to his usual routine was not easy. Waking up alone for the first time in five days sucked royal ass.
Sebastien also forgot that he had a cat until Alice texted him, asking when he was coming to pick her up. She attached unless you never do, which I would be totally fine with. I love her so much and a wink emoji.
Sebastien stared at the blinking line for a few minutes, trying to figure out what his near future would look like.
Alek is going to come out, which means they will hopefully get to spend a lot more time together. That means he'll be bouncing around and focusing on Alek. He can't properly care for a cat. Not that he ever did too great of a job anyway.
He finally decided and texted Alice back.keep her. she is way happier in
your care! I'll be more at ease
knowing she's with youTo say Alice was excited would be an understatement. She really loves Phoebe and would constantly ask Sebastien when he would need her to babysit again.
Sebastien also felt oddly relieved knowing that he didn't have another life to care for. Having to keep himself alive and healthy is enough work.
More relief came when he spent the next two weeks working ungodly hours at the hotel, preparing for Thanksgiving.
Ben and Robbie got the rundown of Sebastien's birthday while they all cleaned every inch of the hotel, checked guests in, and briefly endured the Rochesters spitting useless critiques at them (Now that Ben is with Alice, he is more than happy to listen to Sebastien gush about his love for Alek).
And finally, after intense weeks of preparation, Thanksgiving had arrived.
Sebastien spent the beginning half of his day filling up their last few available rooms with family members. Around noon, the hotel was completely booked and Ben replaced Sebastien with Gavin.
Ben threw an apron at Sebastien and immediately started barking orders at him when they walked into the kitchen.
Sebastien couldn't help but to smile.
Ahh. Just like old times.
"Why are you fucking smiling off into space, we have a lot of work to do." Ben said, snapping his fingers at Sebastien.
"I just missed you." Sebastien said simply.
Ben's expression softened briefly. "I missed you too, Bash. Now, let's get to work. These people are hell during holidays."
The counter was quickly covered with plates, the cooks nearing the end of their preparations.
As the dining hall filled with people, Sebastien walked out and started work. He took drink and appetizer orders, repeating the Thanksgiving menu way more times than he would've liked to.
One of the last families to arrive was the Rochesters. Michael and Marie were stone faced and dressed to the nines, their mini versions sporting designer and hairstyles that probably cost more than Sebastien's entire apartment. And trailing behind them was Adam fucking Rochester.
Per usual, Sebastien walked over to serve them, more reluctant this time due to the presence of a certain spawn of Satan.
"Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Rochester. Happy Thanksgiving. What can I get started for you?" Sebastien said formally.
"White wine, obviously." Mrs. Rochester said stiffly.
"Scotch. Neat."
"And for you, sir?" Sebastien asked, looking to Alek.
"I'm glad you asked." Alek smiled.
Sebastien gave him a look, his stomach flipping uncomfortably. Is he doing it now? He hasn't even smoked yet. He feels like he could throw up.
"Mom, dad..." Alek said slowly, almost carefully.
He is going to throw up. This is it, he's going to get fired or lose Alek or both.
Michael and Marie looked to Alek, confused. Obviously their son couldn't have any secrets, so what the fuck was he about to tell them that required their undivided attention?
"I'm not into Chloe.." It was clear that Alek had more prepared, but his parents, being who they are, interjected immediately.
"Oh, well, you'll find the right girl eventually, son. If it's not Chloe..that's fine." Michael said, clearly not meaning it.
"You will find another girlfriend, I'm sure. My friends have lots of daughters that would be more than interested in you." Marie said, barely looking at Alek.
Alek sighed. "No. I'm not interested in another girl..I'm not interested in girls at all. I'm gay."
Michael and Marie stared at him blankly, neither of them blinking. The dining hall was rather noisy, but the Rochester table was dead silent.
Sebastien suddenly felt like a fork in the spoon compartment or a fucking mac truck in a parking lot of Teslas.
He wants more than anything to be out in the open with Alek. Happy and comfortable. But he does not feel happy or comfortable right now. He feels sick. And fucking terrified.
Neither of Alek's parents had said anything and Alek himself was starting to look pale.
Alek took a breath suddenly and cleared his throat. "I'm uh...we..Sebastien and I are..we"
He was hesitant and his voice was shaking slightly, but Sebastien smiled. Alek just came out to his parents.
Michael and Marie continued to stare, unmoving. Minutes passed and they said nothing.
Marie turned to Sebastien. "Are you going to get our drinks or not? It's rude to just stand there and eaves drop."
Sebastien quickly ran off to the kitchen, realizing half way that he never got Alice, Adam, or Alek's drink orders. But he was confident enough that he'd get it right.
He returned in record time with all of their drinks, Alek and Alice's identical smiles telling him he knows them well.
Adam, however, would glare at him even if he slapped a wad of cash on the table, so he didn't take it personally.
"So, Alice, how are things going with you and the college boy?" Marie asked, heavily sipping her wine.
"Things are good. Really good." Alice smiled.
"So, is Chloe spending Christmas with us again or were you going to spend it with her family?" Michael asked.
Alek smiled painfully.
Of course they would act like he didn't say a fucking thing.
"Considering she's not my girlfriend, I think it would be weird if we spent Christmas together." Alek chuckled. "I want to spend Christmas with my boyfriend."
Michael choked on his drink, immediately dabbing his face and the front of his suit with a fancy napkin.
Marie shifted in her chair awkwardly and made sure her husband was okay.
"You're an adult. We can't tell you not to spend Christmas with your friends if that's what you want." The words sounded so foreign falling out of Marie's mouth. She clearly didn't mean them to the extent Alek would've liked, but he seemed to still appreciate that she said them.
"I suppose, if you want to be financially independent, we can't stop you." Michael said, sipping his scotch.
Alek laughed. "Did you hear that, Bash? Financially independent."
Sebastien's stomach was still turning in ways that would make anyone confess to every sin they've ever done, but he had to admit, this side of Alek was very attractive.
Alek turned to his parents, his hands folded politely in front of him. He held his smile, "I would rather be poor and happy than live with you and pretend to be straight."
They both stayed silent, but they didn't need words to convey their very apparent discomfort.
"But I don't think the press would like to hear that Michael and Marie Rochester kicked out their award winning son just because he likes dick." Alek continued.
Sebastien is always attracted to Alek. Sometimes even in quite strange situations that he probably wouldn't admit to, but damn. This side of Alek was fucking hot.
"Have you heard back from any of the colleges?" Michael asked, finishing his drink and sighing as he sat the empty glass onto the table.
"No." Alek said.
It was partially true. He hasn't heard back from any of the golf recruiters, but Sebastien knows that he got unto UCLA on a basketball scholarship.
"It just takes time. Have to keep a close eye on the mail." Marie said simply.
And Sebastien knew that was her way of saying they weren't going to kick him out.
"If Alek gets to be truthful about who he is, then I want to be truthful about who I am." Adam said suddenly.
Sebastien had honestly forgot he was there. He was just so damn proud of Alek.
"Adam what are you talking about?" Michael asked in a bored tone. He lifted his glass and Sebastien refilled it with the scotch he had carried out, knowing Michael would need alcohol to get through dinner.
"Can I have everyone's attention please!?" Adam stood abruptly, making the room go silent. He pointed to Michael, "MY DAD, Michael Rochester, had an affair! Eighteen years ago! Me!? I'm the fucking bastard child of that affair! Alek and I aren't twins. We don't have the same birthday. We aren't even 100% fucking related! You know who my mom is!? A fucking nobody! she works at a bank! This woman is NOT my mother and I may have his blood, but he has never been a father to me! This family fucking sucks and I'm glad that I wasn't raised Rochester because you guys are fucking GARBAGE! I hope I never have to see any of you ever again!" Adam pushed his chair back loudly and stormed out of the dining hall.
Everyone was staring at them. Mouths were open, cameras were out, and flashes were coming from the cameras that were there to capture The Rochester Thanksgiving.
Sebastien stood there, frozen. Alek looked to him, clearly showing that he did not expect Adam to do that.
"At least me being gay won't be their big story." Alek chuckled.
His parents glared at him, but in the end, Alek was right. An affair that happened 18 years ago and produced a child of lies would definitely make the front page over Alek being gay. Not like his dad would let the story even catch wind, anyway.
"Let's go. I don't want to answer any questions about this right now." Marie said, standing up and heading for the door.
"I'm staying at Bash's tonight." Alek said, standing up.
"We will probably have to do damage control tomorrow. Be home before noon." Marie said, not looking Alek in the eye.
Alek looked to Sebastien with a happy, surprised look. He lifted his hand and Sebastien accepted the high five, pulling Alek closer by his hand. "I'm so fucking proud of you."
Alek smiled and leaned closer, kissing Sebastien slowly. Sebastien smiled against his mouth.
He could barely process anything that happened in the last fifteen minutes, but he was kissing Alek. In public. In a fucking crowded room.
It's safe to say Sebastien no longer feels like he could throw up.

Random[Proper description in progress...] This one is much more tame than Hedon lmao. There's also some Google translate provided Spanish and I'm so sorry 🤡