Chapter 6 - A New Alliance... for now

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As soon as the gargoyles returned to the clock tower, they bandaged Zelda's right hip. Where the laser hit her from one of Xanatos's robots. Zelda whimpered in pain while trying to move in a comfortable position as she laid down on her left side. Elisa sat next to her in case she needs anything since they advised her to rest until she turns to stone for the wound to heal. Zelda agreed without hesitation.

While she decided to take a nap, the others had a discussion of the events that had happened.

"Zelda is very lucky that the injury isn't infected." Lexington said while putting the medical supplies away.

"Hmm... but I believe, for her safety, that it would be better to have someone to accompany her on our night flights"

"I agree with you Goliath but eventually she'll get annoyed with time." advised Hudson

"I understand old friend but with Xanatos still trying to get all of us, it would seem that now he may try to get her as well."

"What could Zelda have done that would want him to capture her with us?" Angela asked in bit concerned in her voice.

"Hmm.. I'm afraid that I'm not sure Angela."

During the entire conversation, Brooklyn only gazed at Zelda's sleeping form. He was relieved that she is fine but is angry that Xanatos would dare attack her and try to capture her. He wanted to go back and finish Xanatos off...


When he heard her whimper in her sleep, he decided against the idea. In that moment, he felt something in his heart and soul that he thought would never be...

'Do.. Do I like Zelda? Possibly love?' he lightly clenched where his heart is thumping almost wildly.

He was in his own world, trying to process what he is feeling when he felt someone's hand on his shoulder. He snapped out of his thoughts and looked up and saw Goliath.

"Are you alright Brooklyn? You were silent through the entire conversation."

Brooklyn nodded as he laughed nervously, "Hehe, yeah I'm fine. Just worried for Zelda and her well being."

Goliath wasn't entirely convinced but let it go... for now.

~~~~~ { A few hours later } ~~~~~

When it's about almost sunrise, all the gargoyles went to their assigned places while Angela and Elisa assisted Zelda to her assigned place to turn to stone. She struggled a bit but she eventually got onto her place. Brooklyn could tell that she's trying to hide her pain, which he admired greatly. But he also knows that she won't hold on for long.

When the sun started to peek over the tall buildings, Brooklyn quickly took Zelda's hand, which made her jumped a bit in surprise but quickly held his hand back when she realized it's him. As the the light from the sun came over the buildings they turned to stone. Elisa stood a few feet back and watched as they turned to stone.

"See you guys later tonight." She chuckled lightly as she walked back inside and back to her police/detective duties.

~~~~~ { With Xanatos's Place } ~~~~~

"What is your history with that female gargoyle? And why do you want her so badly?"

"Hmm, before I answer any questions human. I must know YOUR intentions on those gargoyles that you have tried to find."

Xanatos thought if he should tell this creature, who is talking to him through a hologram but it was to dark to see exactly what the type of creature it is and what it looks like. Xanatos also thought that if he and this unknown creature work together, he might have a better chance to capture the gargoyles. So he decided to tell the truth.

Two Hearts, One Love { Zelda x Brooklyn }Where stories live. Discover now