Chapter 8: Zelda Reveals her Past

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(I'm sorry it took so long. I've been doing school work and helping my parents with court stuff for the two kids we have in our care. Finishing this story might take me longer then I though when this happened but I'm not complaining. I enjoy having these kids! Well I hope that you all love the story! Enjoy!)

~~~~~{ An Hour Later }~~~~~

The rest of the gargoyles came back from their patrols of the city and saw only Hudson and Bronx.

"Where is Brooklyn and Zelda?" asked Goliath.

"They went out on patrol and Brooklyn is probably showing Zelda place's that she hasn't seen yet." Said Hudson while turning off the TV and standing up.

Goliath nodded, "As long as he is with her it'll be fine."

But he had a feeling that something is wrong but ignored it.

~~~~~{ With Brooklyn & Zelda }~~~~~

They continued to talk and splash each other for fun.

"Brooklyn!" she giggled, trying to shield herself from the water. "You're so going to get it."

"Oh yeah?" he teased as he smirked. "I like to see you try."

Then, they tackled each other til' they both rolled over into the water, completely soaked. They laughed it off as they got up and walked out of the water towards the waterfall and sat on a big boulder that's big enough for two people to sit on.

Zelda sighed heavily, which caught Brooklyn's attention and saw her face in sadness again.

"Zelda? What's wrong?"

"Brooklyn," she grabbed his hand and turned to face him completely, "I'm ready to tell you about my past."

Brooklyn is surprised that she finally wanted to talk about her past now. About her friends, family and many others probably. He is also happy that she finally can let go of the pain of her past.

So with that, he nodded and also held her hand tightly to assure her that he is listening and here for her.

~~~~~{ Zelda's Past }~~~~~

After when Calamity Ganon was defeated, everyone wanted to have a celebration for everyone's hard work, sacrifices, and honor those who lost their lives.

There was dancing, mini games, music, and many more. Even the guardians participated on some of the activities while Zelda was at the table, finishing her plate of food.

She saw Link and Mipha dancing... Well more like Mipha teaching Link how to dance since he never danced before.

Zelda tried hard not to laugh at him. Link saw it and gave her a look that said, 'Don't you dare!' But apparently, Revali decided to mess with him at that moment.

"Hey Link, too scared or nervous to show your 'moves'?"

That's when she couldn't help but laugh at that and saw both of them tackling each other with Mipha trying to break the fight up. With Daruk's help, the fight stopped as everyone continued the celebration.

"Okay you guys, that's enough. Come on little guy! Let's go get some food!"

"Well, I guess I'll let this slide for now, since I'm also hungry." said Revali, dusting himself off.

With that Daruk, Link, Mipha, and Revali left to get some food to eat.

"Their too much, but funny, aren't they?"

Two Hearts, One Love { Zelda x Brooklyn }Where stories live. Discover now