Chapter 13 - Found a Way

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Several space pirates were trying to repair the ships systems back to normal that they didn't notice eight shadow figures landing behind them. They knocked out the space pirates by hitting them with either fists, kicking and banged their head against a nearby wall.

"Lets put them somewhere hidden so they won't alert everyone, especially Ridley if he has Zelda and Brooklyn with him."

"Aye, good point."

They dragged all the knocked out pirates in a empty room and made sure that the door are completely closed and locked so they won't come out. But for extra precautions, Goliath broke the doors handle and keypad.

"Hudson, you and Bronx will go down the right halls. Broadway, Angela and Lexington will go to the left while Xanatos, Elisa and I will stay here to see if we can find Brooklyn, Zelda and that creature anywhere and tell you where to go."

Everyone nodded and followed Goliath's instructions. They hope that they'll find them. They also hope that they didn't run into Ridley first but they have a feeling that they might not. They were about to leave when they heard...


Everyone stooped in their tracks as they heard that roar and thought of one person that made that roar.


They quicken their pace of trying to find their missing friends.


Brooklyn ran down the hallway that he came through with such speed and strength.

'I WILL find a way to get to you Zelda. Even if it means my own life!'

He huffed through his nose with anger and continued to run in full speed until-



"Watch out!"


Brooklyn collided against two bodies and all three of them rolled together until they slammed against the wall at the end of the hallway.

"Uuugh, what happened?"

Brooklyn's eyes snapped wide open when he heard that voice and another voice after.

"Ugh, I don't know."

"Lex? Broadway?"

"Oh my god! You three okay?"

Brooklyn looked up and saw Angela kneeling next to them with worry.

The three male gargoyles untangled themselves and stood up while rubbing their necks and head.

"Yeah, we're fine but what are you guys doing here? I thought that-"

"Xanatos, he told us where the ship might be located at. Thanks to his flashdrive."

Brooklyn looked puzzled, "How did the flash-" he shook his head and grunted in annoyance. "Never mind that now. As long as he is helping us, since he IS the Reason that me and Zelda are in this mess in the first place!" he growled as he started to get up on his feet.

"I know but we found you..." Angela looked down the hall where they came from . "But where's Zelda? Isn't she with you?"

When her name was mentioned, Brooklyn growled enough for Broadway and Lexington to move away from him a bit, scared.

"HE took her..."

"Who?" asked Angela.

"Ridley, that purple alien... GRRR!"

Two Hearts, One Love { Zelda x Brooklyn }Where stories live. Discover now