Chapter 15 - Tears of Healing

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When Zelda saw that Ridley is completely gone, she felt herself slowly lowering towards the floor of the cliff and the bright light disappearing as her feet touched the ground. She closed her eyes for a minute and opened them, turning them back to their normal emerald eyes that Brooklyn loved so much.

Zelda heard crying behind her. She turned around and saw everyone still around Brooklyn. Angela's cries caused her to realize that she is the source of the cries as she was held by Broadway, who has a few tears of his own. Even Lexington and Bronx have tears falling from their eyes as well. Zelda then looked at Goliath, Elisa and Hudson, she could tell that they are trying to so hard to not cry but she saw only a tear or two falling with pain of seeing another of their family members being murdered in front of them.

She turned to Xanatos and Owen with their heads down in sympathy and respect for the gargoyles.

But with herself? She felt like her whole world is destroyed and shattered as she sees Brooklyn not moving. Not breathing, no heart beat... just an empty shell.

She walked to the others and went down on her knees next to Brooklyn and laid her head and hands on top of his chest, away from the wound to not possibly hurt him more and started to cry.

As she continued crying, a tear from her eyes rolled down her face and dripped on his opened wound and another where his heart is and glowed lightly as it went into body.

"Oh Brooklyn... I wish that... that I would have told you my feelings sooner then this wouldn't have happened. This is... This is my fault! I didn't mean to do this!..."

Goliath kneeled next to her and placed a hand on her shoulder for support. But she quickly jerked his hand away, making him pull his hand away from the sudden action but he understood why she did. So he just stood up and took a few steps away from her and stood next to Elisa as she hugged Goliath.

"Just please... I can't live without you... I love you Brooklyn. Always have and always will."

Zelda held onto him tightly and cried harder. She shook so hard from her cries that she didn't feel arms around her lightly.

"I love you too Zelda... Always have and always will."

Everyone suddenly got scared when they heard that voice.

"It's his ghost!" Lexington yelled, freaking out that he heard Brooklyn's voice.

"I'm not a ghost Lex."

They all turned to Brooklyn and saw what shocked them to their very core.

"Brooklyn?! Y-You're alive?!"

"How is his possible?!"

"Oh my god! Brooklyn you're alive!"

Everyone except Xanatos and Owen , who just smiled in relief, asked so much questions that Brooklyn didn't answer them right away. I mean wouldn't right?

But Zelda, with wide-shocked eyes and who didn't say a word, slowly raised her head off his chest and saw him staring right at her. Alive and well as he was before. She quickly got off of him and landed on her butt in fright. Brooklyn grunted a bit in pain as he slowly got up and leaned on his arms.

"Zelda, it's okay. I'm... I'm here. Alive."

She stared at him for a minute before cautiously going back onto her knees nears him and holding his cheek with her hand.

"B-But how?"

Then she saw his wound slowly healing with the same light that others saw on Zelda when she killed Ridley.

Two Hearts, One Love { Zelda x Brooklyn }Where stories live. Discover now