Chapter 14 - Final Fight: Awakening

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Brooklyn was on the ground on his back holding Ridley's tail from slashing him into pieces. Ridley was about to use his claws to kill him when someone kicked him on the side of his face, making him take a couple of steps away from Brooklyn and holding his face in pain.

"AH!" he shouted in anger and pain as he felt a small scar forming on his cheek. "Who dares?!"

"I dare!"

Both males turned to the voice and saw Zelda. They're both shocked that she just did that. They never thought that she could make any moves like that, even to hurt Ridley.


"Yes, 'me' Ridley."

"Zelda! What are you doing? You should have left with the others!"

She looked at Brooklyn with caring but serious eyes. "I don't want to leave you!"

Ridley growled and launched at her but she quickly moved out of the way in time before he could grab her again.


Zelda moved next to Brooklyn and helped him up. He smiled and nodded in thanks as they both faced Ridley, getting into a 'ready to fight' pose.

"We'll fight you here and now Ridley!" Brooklyn grabbed her hand as he continued saying, "Together!"

Ridley is furious. He didn't expect her to have such courage and spirit to fight him back, let alone to PHYSICALLY hurt him. But he knows what is the cause of this sudden change, He swiftly used his tail to trip both of them down causing them to fall but before they reached to floor, Ridley caught them by his tail and wrapped it around both of them.

"I never took you as a physical fighter Zelda. I wonder what changed that."

Zelda and Brooklyn tried to get themselves out of his grip but they suddenly stopped when they saw the blade at the end of his tail pointing at them.

"I have to admit, this side of you is new and interesting. But it's really starting to annoy me."

"And I hope that it stays that way!" grunted Zelda.

Ridley points one of his claws at Brooklyn's neck and added pressure, making a small cut in the process. Brooklyn tried to move away but it made the cut look worse making him grunt in discomfort.

"We'll see about that."

Ridley was about to slice Brooklyn's neck until the ship started to make an alarm noise saying, "EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY! EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY! THE SHIP WILL SELF-DESTRUCT IN 10 MINUTES!"

The ship started to lose power to fly and started to slowly fall, making Ridley slip and let Brooklyn and Zelda go, dropping them as well. When they felt the ship going down, it made them starting to slide towards to broken window. Ridley was the first to slide at the window and quickly went through first and hid right on top of the window, waiting for them to be right next to it and out of sight.

Zelda and Brooklyn slid down until they hit the the glass that was still attached to the window. But it made a few creaks as they landed on it.

"Are you alright?" asked Brooklyn. worried that she got hurt more then he did.

"Yes, I'm okay. Just a little bruise on my back but nothing serious."

Suddenly she was grabbed and pulled away through the open, cracked window.

"Brooklyn!" she yelled, reaching her hand out to him.


He reached out and grabbed her hand before it was too late and to try and pull her back... but Ridley's strength also pulled him with Zelda.

Two Hearts, One Love { Zelda x Brooklyn }Where stories live. Discover now