Chapter 1

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"You never thought this would be your life one day, did you?" Maya smiling, "Not really." I admit wrapping my arms around Maya's neck.

"But you like it?" Maya asked and I answer Maya question by pecking her on the lips, "I love it." I answer and the two of us share a passionate kiss.

Nine Months Ago

I blew out an anxious breath, pacing back and forth across my room trying my best to calm myself but just thinking of the possibility makes my heartbeat frantic. I look at the item laying on my desk and look at the clock El bought for me when my old clock stopped working.

Three minutes to go till I can look as I'm waiting for the three minutes to pass by, I remember the conversation I had with El, Nancy, and Robin in the morning at school.


"Did you eat something bad, Max?" El asked as Robin ran her hands up and down my back while Nancy held my hair back as I vomited my breakfast that I ate before Nancy went to pick up me, El and Robin so we could head to school.

I wiped my mouth and try to regain my breath, "Not that I know of I never felt this awful." I groaned and pressed my cheek against the cool porcelain of the toilet.

"It can't be as awful when you wake up the next day hungover." Robin commented and I flick her off worried that if I talk, I might throw up again, "I know that you're kind of out of it, but this bathroom has got to be full of dirty germs and you're kinda putting your face all over them and that's pretty gross." Nancy shuddered in disgust.

"Shut up Nancy." I groaned luckily, I didn't feel like vomiting Robin rubs my back, "If it wasn't bad food then what could it be?" El asked and Nancy and Robin shrugged their shoulders confused as well.

"Maybe Max has the stomach flu?" Nancy suggested, "Possibly or maybe it's some sort of PMS? Don't you throw up when your cramps get bad?" Robin asked.

"No... Besides, I'd have to have my period for me to have PMS and..." I stop mid-sentence when a single image of a birthday party flashed through my mind, "Shit..." I said gaining El, Nancy, and Robin attention.

Robin blinked in confusion, "What? What's wrong?" Robin asked.

"What's today's date?" I asked not answering Robin question trying my hardest to stay calm El, Nancy, and Robin looked at each other confused and back at me, "Today the sixth, Max." Nancy slowly answered confused.

"This can't be happening, right? I'm just a little bit late that's it? There was no way what I'm thinking is the reason I vomited. It just can't be I refuse to believe it but me being six days late is pretty huge." I think to myself praying that I'm wrong and it's just the stomach flu that Nancy said could be.

"... Max. Earth to Max!" El said shaking my shoulders, "Are you feeling even sicker? You're going pale. Maybe we should skip school and I drive us back home." Nancy suggested.

"...Guys... I think I'm pregnant." I whispered shocking all three after a few moments of silence El laugher breaks the silence, "Stop being dramatic Max. Just because you threw up doesn't mean you're pregnant. Nancy maybe right that you have the stomach flu besides you and Jake use protection." El said smiling but it slowly went away as I stayed quiet, not agreeing with her or responding back and avoiding looking at either of them.

"You did use protection, right?" El asks slowly and Nancy lifts my head up and I see the scared expressions on their face, "Did you sleep with Jake and use protection?" El asked her voice sounding scared.

"I... think so." I answer trying to remember El, Nancy, and Robin sigh shaking their head, "I thought we were covered. I can't really remember we were both drunk." I defended myself.

One Night/ Max Mayfield x OC FemWhere stories live. Discover now