Chapter 7

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Third POV

Max's eyes widened as her stomach dropped to her feet, "Wait mom, dad. I can explain–"

"Explain what?" Max's dad said in a calm tone, but she can see the disappointment in his eyes that it made her wince. Max's mom hands the ultrasound photograph to Max's dad and walks over to the couch and sits down and looks at Max motioning her to sit next to her.

Max follows and walks over to her mom and sits next to her looking down at the floor as she twiddles her thumbs scared that her parents would kick her out and want nothing to do with her or the baby.

After a few minutes of silence, "Max, how long have you been keeping this a secret?" Max's dad asks.

"About four weeks or so." Max responds not looking at either of her parents, "Four weeks?" He sounded shocked and Max could hear the disappointment in his words. She was right. Her parents are angry with her and completely disappointed.

"You kept this to yourself for four weeks?" Max's dad asks sitting beside her as he looks at the ultrasound photograph of his grandchild, "El, Nancy, and Robin know they took me to buy the pregnancy test and were with me when I found out I was pregnant." Max answers glancing up at her dad who is looking at the photograph with a small smile on his face that completely surprises her.

"Well, that explains the whole ketchup cravings and eating all the food in our fridge." He said now putting the pieces together, but Max's mom still remained silent Max looks up at her mom and looks down, "I'm so sorry." Max whispered her voice breaking hating that her mom hasn't said a word to her yet.

"You broke the promise, Max." Max's mom reminds her, "I know I did... and I'm so sorry I failed you and dad. You have to understand mom... I didn't mean too... it just happened... and... I'm sorry... I'm a complete failure and..."

"Max stop." Max's mom ordered startling Max who looks up expecting to see her mom angry and disappointed, but instead, she was looking at her kindly, if not a little sadly. There was disappointment in her expression and a little annoyance too, but somehow, it didn't seem like it was directed towards her.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? I wish you had." Max's mom ask confused and a little hurt, "I was scared..." Max answered and her dad gently patted her back.

"Scared of what?" Max's mom asks but she already knew why she just wanted to hear Max say it, "Scared that you and dad would be disappointed in me. Scared that you'll disown me, be angry with me, and that you'd want nothing to do with me." Max answers and accepts the tissue that her dad hands her. "I know you are. Why wouldn't you be? I'm an awful daughter and I broke the promise we made." Max answers fighting back the tears threatening to fall.

"We are disappointed in you Max. But it's not because you made a mistake we're disappointed in you because you didn't believe in us enough to know that your mom and I would never ever reject you. You're are daughter, Max. How could we turn you away?" Max's dad says in a gentle voice. Max's mom gives a comforting squeeze, "We're not angry because your pregnant the reason we're angry because through all this time you been keeping this is a secret and your dad and I weren't there for you, and what kind of parents are we that we couldn't even pick up on the fact that are daughter is going through something so difficult without us being there for her." Max's mom says resulting in Max staring at her parents in silence her eyes watering tears threatening to fall again.

Max nodded quietly, biting her lip to stop it from quivering violently. She was shivering almost uncontrollably, but Max couldn't tell whether it was because she was cold or the fact that she was seconds from bursting into tears once again.

"How can you just accept it so easily?" Max asks, "I broke the promise and I'm pregnant at eighteen years old." Max says surprised the way her parents are acting right now, "Sweetie, the mistakes we make don't define who we are as people. You're still a good girl and the greatest daughter and you have a great big heart." Max's mom smiled kindly, "It's part of human nature and everyday life. Don't beat yourself up over this, please. It's how you take this mistake and what you do with it in the future that counts, okay? The world isn't going to stop because it hasn't given up on you. So, you don't give up on yourself." Max's dad says tucking a strand of loose hair behind Max ear.

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