Chapter 13

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Third POV

"Alright, lift up your shirt please, Max." Dr. Lawrence said with a smile, tugging on her gloves and picking up the tube of propylene glycol gel. Max complied, lifting it up as far as where her bra was and laying completely back into the examination table. She squirmed when her doctor squirted out the cold, sticky gel onto her abdomen. She no longer hopped around and giggled when it happened, but it still made her uncomfortably ticklish.

"Where's your mom, El, Nancy, or Robin today? One of them usually accompanies you." Dr. Lawrence asked, smoothing it around on her bump, making sure to spread it in all areas it needed to be, "El stuck on cooking duty with her dad she couldn't get out of it, Robin is out of town with her family, and my parents went to the airport to pick up my grandparents." Max responded.

"That's too bad." Dr. Lawrence said turning on the transducer and set it under Max's bellybutton, slowly gliding it around to get a reading. "Anyway, how were your final exams?" Dr. Lawrence asks.

"I got B's nothing new." Max answers and glanced at the screen as the image began to materialize. "Although, I did get an A on Bio." She mentioned.

"That great, I guess this whole baby business must have helped me with the reproduction and development chapter." Dr. Lawerence says chuckling as she tapped on a few keys of the ultrasound before running the ultrasound transducer over the area right below her belly button once again, "How will you be spending your Christmas, Max?" Dr. Lawerence asks.

"Probably eating maybe napping. I've been really tired lately." Max responds and on cue yawns, "Hormonal changes. Make sure you are getting enough rest as well. I know school takes up a lot of your time, but above all, I want you to make sure you are at your healthiest for your baby." Dr. Lawerence says and slid the transducer a little lower.

"Your bump is starting to get nice and firm in some areas though. Your pregnancy is going spectacularly." Dr. Lawerence informs her as she moves the mouse on the screen, checking fetal heart rate and the amount of amniotic fluid in the uterus. She moved the transducer once again, a small frown on her face.

"Huh." Dr. Lawerence says, "Is something wrong?" Max asks worriedly for the baby health.

"Part of your placenta seems to be covering your cervix..." Dr. Lawerence muttered, tapping the screen where the odd blob was located. Max frowned, still unable to understand anything she was seeing even after having had multiple appointments. "It's not a problem right now, but I'm hoping it will shift as your uterus grows in the future, otherwise it could cause some bleeding later in your pregnancy." Dr. Lawerence informs her.

"As in hemorrhaging?" Max nervously asks eyes widened, "Yes, but don't worry. Placental misplacement is common in week sixteen but will usually correct itself by the third trimester." Dr. Lawerence assures Max who let out a breath of relief, and Dr. Lawerence patted Max's hand consolingly.

"I'm sorry. I should have phrased it better. I know you get nervous about these things." Dr. Lawerence apologizes, "How's your nausea?" Dr. Lawerence asks.

"Not as bad anymore. I threw up a couple days ago, but nothing since then." Max replied, "That's good to know. But keep on taking those vitamins, alright? Call me if you need a refill of your prescription." Dr. Lawerence reminds her.

"Oh, I almost forgot have you felt any 'quickening' yet?" Dr. Lawerence asks and Max send a somewhat questioning look, Dr. Lawerence chuckled to herself, "Fetal movement most patients begin to feel it around the sixteen week mark." Dr. Lawerence explains.

"Oh. No. Not yet." Max respond and gently pokes the side of the swell of her belly. There were a couple times when she had thought she felt her baby movement, but it always turned out to be gas bubbles or something related to bloating. She couldn't wait for the day that she finally got some response from the baby, "It'll happen soon, the baby is developing properly." Dr. Lawerence said and continued as she observed the screen.

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