Chapter 5

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School was finally over which I'm glad because now I get to relax as I'm putting away my textbooks in my locker I feel someone tapping my shoulder and I think it's Robin since Nancy has left to go help the newspaper club.

"Hold on Robin." I said, "Actually it's El." El corrects me and I immediately close my locker and turn around and see a nervous El.

"Hey El." I said breaking the silence between us after a couple more seconds of silence, "El I'm sorry for the way I acted towards you when you asked me to tell you the true reason why I been avoiding Maya. It was extremely rude, and I shouldn't have treated you that way, you're my best friend and have been helping me throughout this pregnancy."

"No, I'm the one who should apologize, Max. I shouldn't be forcing you to tell me why you don't want to be friends with Maya or telling you to be friends with her when you don't want to. I'm sorry for being a terrible best friend and ignoring you especially with what you're going through I should've been there." El apologizes. I hug her taking her by surprised and she hugs me back making me smile happy that El and I made up and are friends again.

We let go of each other El smiling widely, "I'm glad we're talking again Max. I really missed talking and hanging out with you." El said happily before I could respond back I see Maya talking to one of the cheerleaders making me frown and it stirs up a weird feeling inside me El notices that I was looking at something behind her and turns around and sees Maya still talking to a cheerleader.

"Does that happen often?" I ask continuing to watch the two talk, "Does what happen often?" El asks.

"Do cheerleaders talk to Maya?" I ask trying not to sound irritated seeing Maya laugh at whatever the cheerleader said, "Yeah it happens often." El answers and faces me her eyebrows raised confused.

"Why do you want to know if cheerleaders talk to Maya?" El curiously asks now facing me, "I don't care I was just curious that's all." I respond trying to sound normal and not jealous which I couldn't be because why should I be jealous I don't even like Maya or know the kind of person she is.

"Okay." El says skeptical but thankfully drops the subject. "So how did your appointment with the doctor go? Are you okay?" El ask changing the subject and I updated her on everything as we walked to where Robin locker is. Maya smiles at me and El as we walk past her no longer paying attention to what the cheerleader was saying to her.

After a moment of hesitation, I smile back waving hello which resulted in Maya smiling widely making me happy that I was able to make Maya smile.

Robin notices us once one of her friends leaves and is surprised to see El and I together, "Hey Robin?" El says and is answered with Robin hugging El and pulling me into the hug we hug her back.

"Sorry I'm just happy that you guys made up I hated seeing the two of you not talking and being mad at each other." Robin explains letting go of me and El, "It's okay Robin and we're sorry that we put you and Nancy in the middle of the fight." El apologized.

"Yeah but now, we made up so everything good." I said happily but it goes away when I start feeling sick El must've noticed because her smile went away and was replaced with concerned, "Restroom?" El said I nod and run off to the nearest girl's restroom.

The Next Day

"Are you sure you don't want me to drive you home Max?" Nancy asks, "Nancy my house isn't that far away from yours I'll be fine, and I promise to call you when I get home." I said for the tenth time.

I would've drove myself home, but Nancy picked me up so her, El, Robin, and I could spend time together to make up for the lost time when me and El were mad at each other.

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