Chapter 8

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Maya POV

I looked Max in the eyes, my eyebrows furrowed trying to comprehend what she just told me, and I'm reminded of the person from my old school. Someone who broke me just like Jake did to me.

"You're pregnant?" I said slowly and I see the determination in Max's eyes fading away, "Is that all you have to say?" Max asks and I see tears in her eyes making me feel bad that I'm reason Max wants to cry.

"I don't really know what to say." I said looking away. "Is that why you've been so distant?" I ask.

"Wait who's the father?" I ask feeling a little peeved having a slight suspicion to who the father is, but it went away when Max looks at the floor, but I manage to see a tear drop fall down I lift Max face up, "You don't have to tell me who the father is, Max but I want you to know that I'm here for you." I say in softly voice smiling at Max who suddenly burst into tears and pushed me away from her.

"Max what..."

I place my hand on top of hers but Max pulls away and stands up quickly and walking away, hugging herself as she sniffled leaving me confused why she's acting like this and worried at the same time.

"I understand if you don't want to talk to me ever again." Max voice broke when she glanced at me, "And I get it if you want to leave..."

"Max, what are you talking about?" I ask absolutely confused by Max reaction, "You want nothing to do with me!" Max shouted angrily turning back around and facing the wall in embarrassment.


"When did I say I wanted nothing to do with you?" Maya asked slowly irritation in her voice. I didn't respond back only biting my lip to stop myself from sobbing, not wanting myself to seem weak in front of Maya since I already made myself look stupid. I didn't want to make it any worse than it is now.

I hear Maya growl under her breath and suddenly I'm turned around now facing her.

"Let me make something clear. Just because I'm in shock does not mean I don't want anything to do with you." Maya clarifies frowning, "Max, you just told me you're pregnant how was I supposed to act." Maya says and I blink shocked at her response.

"I'm in this all the way, Max. It's my responsibility as your best friend to be there for you and the baby. I promise I'll do everything I can to support you and the baby." Maya promises.

I hated crying in front of anyone especially in front of Maya who manages to make me feel something every time she looks at me. She smiled and hugged me tightly. I stiffened at the unexpected hug, but Maya doesn't let go this time.

"Max, remember I'm here for you and I'm sorry that you're in this situation." Maya said her apology was sincere and heartwarming that she is going to be there for me throughout my pregnancy and still wants to be my best friend that I start feeling tears building in my eye again and I clutched the front of her shirt looking down and hiding my face.

"It's not your fault. I should've been more careful." I mumbled, "Don't get all sad again, Max, and like I'm said I'm here for you and if you need help with buying the supplies."

"All I need is your support Maya." I answer Maya chuckles, "Of course what kind of friend would I be if I'm not here for you through this pregnancy this is going to be a tough journey, but you have me, El, Nancy, and Robin with you." Maya says making me smile happy that I have my family and friends to support me.

"You do know that once I start showing that you'll be told it be best for you not to be friends with me." I warn her, "You're ridiculous, Max." Maya says.

"Shut up." I playfully said making her chuckle and I bury my face in her chest trying so hard not cry but I couldn't hold back the tears and cry so hard because I was so unbelievably happy that my parents and friends didn't abandon me. Maya held me close to her rubbing soft circles on my back as I sobbed quietly into her shirt, staining it with my tears.

One Night/ Max Mayfield x OC FemWhere stories live. Discover now