Chapter 6

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Steve POV

"How was DND?" I asked as I handed Maya the wet dish, "It was fun I never thought I would become a fan or DND." She replied as she dried the dish and put it in the dish rack.

I nodded and brought up the question I been wanting to ask her, "So homecoming is coming up. Have you asked a certain red head to be your date?" I asked smirking at Maya blushing muttering to shut up.

"C'mon Maya if you don't ask her then someone else will." I told her not wanting to lose the opportunity to ask Max out as her homecoming date. Maya sighed, "I know but what if she says no and it ruins our friendship we just became friends." She said frowning.

"Okay then what about asking her to go as friends." I suggested, "You're not asking her to go as you're date instead it be two friends going to homecoming together."

Maya furrowed her brow, "That could work. But do you think she'll say yes even when I tell her we're just going as friends?" Maya nervously asked.

"Hey, you're Maya McCall of course she'll say yes." I assure her, "Thanks Steve." Maya said smiling I smile back, and side hug her.

"We're family and I love you and there's nothing you can do that can change that. I will always be there to help you out, Maya, even when you tell me to go away, or you don't need my help I'll be there." I tell her.

Next Day

Third POV

Max hoped her mom would not hear her retching from the kitchen. She was collapsed on the bathroom floor, clutching the toilet bowl as if her life depended on it. If her mother were to randomly open the door, she would have no doubt that Max is pregnant.

"Damn..." Max grumbled, throat raw and stinging.

The last time Max has gone for another check-up, about a week ago, Dr. Lawerence had told her that the intensity of morning sickness per pregnancy varied greatly, and that she would most likely be experiencing it for a while since she was early in.

She was almost ten weeks into her damn pregnancy. Max just wanted this whole morning sickness phase to go away. She had been eating more, but all this puking couldn't be good for her or the baby. But on another note, she had heard the baby heartbeat for the first time, and it was the most beautiful sound she has ever heard. She stayed on the floor for a few more seconds, waiting for the nausea to go away until it finally did. Sighing and finally feeling better, she flushed down the puke and cleaned herself up in the shower to get ready for school. Once showered, she went back to her room and threw on the first clothes she could find on the floor.

Max's pants were a little loose, and she looked herself in the mirror and she definitely lost weight and it was from all the vomiting. She'd probably never fit perfectly in her pants again after that it's going to be weight gain after weight gain after weight gain. By December she'd be in her second trimester, and she'll definitely put on a lot more weight.

"Guess I'll be putting maternity clothes and leggings on my list to Santa." Max said and walked over to her bed and grabbed her pillow from the bed and tucked it under her t-shirt. She walked around, bouncing up and down and rubbing her abdomen, testing what it was like to hold a baby. She'd be there in several months. Why not try it out now? She looked like she had a lumpy balloon under her shirt and snorted.

It was odd seeing herself so round and bloated like a balloon, but strangely, she kind of liked it. It brought out something very maternal in her.

When Max and Jake first said I love you to each other Jake would tell Max that he pictured the two married after college and Max would be pregnant the two starting a family, but it was all a complete lie.

One Night/ Max Mayfield x OC FemWhere stories live. Discover now