Chapter 15

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Third POV


"Welcome back from break everyone. I hope you had a good winter holiday." Mr. Weatherly announced, setting his briefcase on the desk in the front. "I have your winter exams..."

Max sat stiffly in her seat, twiddling her thumbs nervously and checking the door every few seconds for Maya to come into the class.

She'd been rounding corners carefully all day, watching out for Maya and making sure she couldn't get caught off guard. Max couldn't skip today because she needed to get her exam back. But class had already started and the seat next to her still wasn't occupied. It wasn't like Maya to be absent though. Maybe she'd caught a late flight. But Biology was one of the classes they shared together, and Maya still hasn't made an appearance.

Mr. Weatherly dropped an exam in front of Max, and she was snapped out of her thoughts, "Ms. Mayfield. Incredible work." He drawled in his standard monotone. Then he placed El exam and Robin exam in front of them with a snide look.

"Perhaps you two would do well to study a bit more next time." Mr. Weatherly advices and walked away from the group of friends. Max turned around with a frown.

"Robin you said you got an A?" Max said and turned her attention to El, "You told me before class that you got a B." Max said confused.

"We did!" Robin whispered back, she and El held up their exams and pointing to the A- beside the 91 on Robin exam and the B- beside the 81 on El exam, "We don't understand." El whispers.

"Ms. Hopper and Ms. Buckley. Let's not have this chatting thing continue the rest of the semester." Mr. Weatherly scolded from somewhere in the back of the class.

El and Robin both pout and ducked their head down dejectedly, and Max made a mental note to buy them ice cream this whole week for getting them in trouble. Max knew Mr. Weatherly didn't like Robin because she had accidentally run into him at lunch one day and smashed her spaghetti on his shirt, and El because she defended Robin.

He's never even tried to hide his dislike towards El and Robin. Max turned around in her seat, "Did any of you see Maya in the morning or think you seen her in the hallways?" Max asked.

"She wasn't in history class or lunch and hasn't shown to biology." El said robotically, eyes staring straight ahead, "Maya actually texted me before class started that her plane is delayed and won't arrive back till midnight." El said, looking down at her exam, though El shifted nervously in her seat.

"Okay, but you should've told me, El." Max said eyes narrowed and she turned back to the front, knowing her friends were both acting undeniably weird. If Maya's plane wasn't arriving by midnight that meant she could now relax and won't have to be on guard.

Max was kind of disappointed. Sure, she wanted to hide from Maya, but she also wanted to see her especially since she'd been gone all break. Maya called her once more on New Year's but since then they hadn't really talked about anything in particular, but it had made her wish Maya was here with her in person. Max sighed and spent the rest of class trying not to think about her crazy body and how it wouldn't listen to her anymore. At least the morning sickness had, for the most part, subsided, and she was feeling much more energetic after that taxing first trimester of fatigue, vomit, and terrible bloating. But her needing to run to the bathroom to urinate frequently hadn't changed and it was starting to bug her.

The bell rang, and Max stood up with her friends, a smile on her face because she was happy that she wouldn't see Maya in the next class that the two have together.

She slipped her notebook into her bookbag and made her way out of the classroom, filing out behind other students in the class, "El, Robin. Do you guys want to go get ice cream with me and then go to the mall to help me shop for maternity clothes before I go to work?" Max asked as she walked with El and Robin.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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