Chpater 2

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Three Weeks Later

I lean against the locker waiting for El to grab her stuff and watch Jake flirting with a cheerleader, making me sad. I rest my hand on my stomach and the sadness turns into anger.


Jake let's go of my hand and backs away, "Your joking, Max. Please tell me that this is an early April Fool's joke." Jake pleads.

"I'm pregnant Jake. I found out last week Nancy drove, Robin, El, and I to the drug store to buy a pregnancy test..."

"El, Nancy, and Robin know to! What the hell Max!" Jake said interrupting me and nervously watch as Jake paces the room back and forth till he stops, "Coach Harrington told me yesterday that he received word that scouts are going to attend the basketball games and that this could be my one chance of getting recruited and a scholarship, but I can't have that with you being pregnant." Jake says and I start having an unsettling feeling in my stomach.

"Jake what are you trying to say?" I worriedly ask, "I got my future planned out and you being pregnant is interfering with my future I have planned." Jake explains.

"Jake please don't say what I think you're going to say?" I beg and my fears come true as Jake walks towards me and kissing my forehead and walk towards the door I turn around and see Jake hand in the doorknob, "Jake if you walk out that door were over and you're not going to be a part of the baby life." I warned him hoping it work but it did the opposite and he opened the door.

"Sorry Max but I care deeply about my future more than the baby and I hope you make the right decision and think if the baby really worth sacrificing your future." Jake said and walks out the room leaving me alone crying that Jake abandoned me.

Flashback Ends

The feel of someone's hand breaks me out of the thoughts and I see it's El.

"He promised me that nothing can break us apart, but he lied to me. When we first said I love you to each other he said that he'll never leave me because we belonged together, but it was all a lie." I told El looking at Jake continued to flirt with the cheerleader.

"Max, he showed his true colors to you that he isn't father material and rather cares about himself than his unborn child showing that he is a selfish person who only cares about himself, and he proved that when he lied to the entire school that the reason you and him broke up was because you cheated." El says and I flinch remembering the reactions I got from the school students, "Even though he didn't tell everyone that you're pregnant with his child he painted himself as the victim when in reality we know he's a coward and asshole." El says gently patting me on the shoulder as we watch Jake walk away with the cheerleader his arm around her waist.

"You're right El... I just hate that it took me being pregnant to see that Jake is a fake, selfish, self-centered jackass." I angrily said, "He's not worth your time what's important now is your child." El reminded me as we start walking to class.

"When are you planning on telling your parents?" El cautiously asked knowing it was topic that I don't like talking, "You're parents are going to find out eventually, Max. Your mom will start getting suspicious and will put the pieces together especially with the morning sickness." El said and I mentally roll my eyes knowing that she's right.

El sighs, "Well have you thought if you're going to...

El stops mid-sentence I furrow my eyebrows and follow her gaze and see she's looking in the front office and see Nancy talking to the principal, "Did Nancy get in trouble?" I ask ever since Jake lied, I received insults about me being a slut for cheating on Henry with someone else leaving him devastated it led to El and Robin getting detention for standing up for me and with Nancy being a student teacher she's been helping me. The principle moves aside, and I see a blonde-haired girl who is about El height wearing a black t-shirt, blue jeans, and sneakers as I looked at her talking to Nancy, I couldn't help smile.

One Night/ Max Mayfield x OC FemWhere stories live. Discover now