Chapter 12

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My stomach flipped, feeling apprehensive. The only reason Jake is here is because of the pregnancy.

"Does that mean Jake is going to own up to responsibilities and be there for me and the baby."

"J-Jake?" I said flabbergasted it's one thing for him to admit that he's the father but for him to be here in my house with my parents waiting for me is completely shocking, Jake lifted his gaze to me and then his eyes dropped down to my abdomen with a genuine look of distaste. Which made me feel uneasy. Maya must've have noticed because she steps protectively in front of me glaring at him.

"Hello." Jake said civilly ignoring Maya's presence, "What is he doing here?" Maya asked my mom, a little pissed off by not only from the look Jake had given me but the fact that he hasn't been there for me since I told him I was pregnant and the lie he told on why we broke up that not even him revealing he's the father will make up for what he did to me.

"Jake came to see Max." My mom answered nervously, "I came to check if you're okay since I couldn't ask you earlier because McCall wouldn't let me talk to you." Jake said glaring coldly at her.

"Why should you, huh?" Maya asks and continues, "You ditched her when she needed you and made up a lie on why the two of you broke up that everyone views Max as a cheater, the remarks, and the way she's been treated since the school found out she is pregnant she's getting harassed and that would've never happened if you didn't lie and admitted that you're the father!" Maya says approaching Jake who is now standing up.

The two stared at each other with cold, dark anger and disgust that it send chills down my spine.

"McCall this doesn't concern you it only concerns me and Max nobody else! Did you forget that the child Max is carrying is mine, Maya not yours! So, move out of the way and let me, Max, and her parents discuss about my child future. Now leave, McCall!" Jake orders pointing at the front door.

"I'm not leaving unless Max, or her parents tell me too!" Maya stated clenching her hands.

"You abandoned you're unborn child?! Your own flesh and blood! Now all of a sudden you want to be a part of the baby life. What changed your mind?" I asked gaining Jake attention.

"I came here to tell you that you should reconsider on keeping the baby." Jake answers Maya scoffs at Jake request and he turns his attention back to Maya, "You got something to say, McCall?" Jake questions.

"What I have to say is that despite you being the father of the baby you don't have the right to tell Max what to do! If she wants to keep the baby and not put the baby for adoption it's her choice not yours." Maya said, "Max is irresponsible to raise a child especially at seventeen. She's putting her future on her line and won't be able to accomplish her dreams nor go to the college she's been wanting to attend. If any of you think that she's ready to raise a child your all completely idiotic, and deep down Max agrees with me." Jake says.

"How could you say that about her?" Maya said, her jaw clenched in irritation, "It would be better for everyone if she gave up the child." Jake said and my heart nearly stopped beating.

Without another word, I walked straight out of the living room and away from her everyone. I went straight to my room, throwing my notebooks and other random papers off the bed and trying to keep myself from crying.

I could vaguely hear my dad yelling at Jake, "You don't get to make that decision about what should be good for Max and the baby when you decided to abandoned them! Max chose to keep her baby, and we respect and support her decision. If you were any kind of decent human being, you would respect her decisions and leave her alone! She doesn't need your support in her life." My dad shouted.

I closed my eyes, biting my lip to stop the violent quivering. I hear footsteps down the hall and stop at my door. I glanced over and see Maya standing there, watching me in concern.

"Max." Maya softly says I sniffled and turned over, facing the window, "I don't want to talk about it." I plead Maya obeys and sat on the edge of the bed, picking up a discarded notebook from the ground, skimming the page.

"What's this?" Maya asks I grab the notebook from her hand and hide it under my pillow.

"It's not important." I lied staring up at the ceiling, trying to swallow down the thick lump in my throat.

Without warning, Maya turned and laid down next to my stomach, her legs hanging off the edge of the bed. Maya slowly lifted my shirt, making me yelped in surprise, thinking she was trying something funny.

"Maya, what are you–"

And then my breath caught when she gently placed her warm hand on my abdomen, right below my belly button where the bump was growing.

"Hey baby. I don't think we've formally been introduced. I'm Maya McCall. One of your mommy best friends, and I'm sorry I wasn't there for almost ten weeks of your life. But you can blame you're mommy for that." Maya whispered softly to my belly, she glanced up at me mischievously with those words, and I knew tears were dropping uncontrollably from my eyes when my vision blurred.

I let out a breathless laugh, at how ridiculous and comforting this was, "But I'll be there for you every step of the way for the rest of your life, no matter what. I promise. Even if your mommy threatens to kick my ass, I'll be right there. Always and forever." Maya promises and then she kisses the spot where her hand had been, and it was so much sweeter and so much more intimate than any kind of kiss I could have ever gotten that my heart faltered a couple beats.

With a slight whimper, I broke down into choked sobs, covering my face with my hands as my body shook with the cries. Maya shifted and climbed on the bed, taking me by the waist and gently pulling me to her. I willingly, pressing my face into her chest and just let it all go: the frustration with my situation, my grief and anguish from all that Jake caused me.

Everything poured out at once and I clutched Maya's shirt, wailing as she held me, rubbing my back softly as jerky hiccups wracked my body.

"I'm a mess..." I whimper, "You're not." Maya disagrees.

"What about your dad?" I asked, "Doesn't matter I'm not going anywhere..." Maya promises.

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