Chapter 3

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Three Weeks Later

"Max can you please-"

"The answer is no for the billionth time these past three weeks you and Robin have constantly been asking me the same question over and over and the answer is still the same I don't want to be friends with Maya, okay. Why is it so hard for you three to accept it?" I asked frustrated, "Because Maya is worried about you and whenever I come over to visit my parents and Mike or stay for dinner Maya will sometimes be there and ask if she did something wrong or offended you since you won't talk to her, make eye contact with her, and you didn't show her to her classes like you said you would. She even told me that when you and her we're partnered up in English class you will try to find a way to escape from being her partner and that really hurt her feelings." Nancy explains making me feel guilty, but I push those feeling aside remembering that I don't deserve Maya as a friend let alone in my life.

"Fine!" El shouted finally reaching her limit, "If you don't want to be friends with Maya then okay I'm not going to force you but give me one good reason why you don't want too, and I want the truth." El ordered waiting for me to answer.

"I don't owe you a reason El." I simply answer and I'm responded with El turning around to leave my room she stops walking and faces Nancy, "Nancy give Max the information about her appointment I have to meet up with Maya, Will, Dustin, Mike, and Lucas at the mall." El says and leaves my room Robin shoots me an apologetic smile before she follows El out leaving Nancy and I alone.

Nancy hands me a paper I look at the paper and see the date of the appointment which is scheduled for tomorrow and where it's located and what OB doctor that I'm going to see, "El, Robin, and I were planning to ask you if you wanted us to go with you but I can't since I have to help the newspaper club and Robin has band practice so El was going to ask you if she can go with you but now..."

"Now she doesn't want to go." I finished her sentence looking back up at her and see she's disappointed in me as well making me feel even more terrible that I'm hurting not just hurting Maya but my two best friends also, "I know you and Robin are disappointed in me as well the two of you are just hiding it but there's no point in hiding it I can tell by the way you two look at me." I said hating myself Nancy sighs.

"Yes Robin and I are disappointed." Nancy admits making me hate myself that all I'm doing is hurting my three best friend who have been by side only to treat them badly and then Maya who doesn't even know me yet is worried about me and defended me against Mr. Tanner, "El not mad at you she's upset that you're not telling her the real reason why your treating Maya badly because despite El only knowing Maya for three weeks the two have become best friends and she's looking out for Maya. I don't want to make you feel guilty, but you know how El is when it comes to her friends not being happy." Nancy says in a gentle voice.

The Next Day

Throughout the school day El would avoid me anytime she saw me. She would walk the other way and ignore me during history and biology class. She didn't even sit with me and Robin during lunch but instead with Maya, Will, Mike, Dustin, and Lucas. When I saw El talking with Maya during lunch I remembered what Nancy told me about how El cares deeply about Maya and as I watched the two talk it showed by the way El acted when she is with Maya it was the same way she would be when she is with her, Robin, and Nancy. I especially felt bad that Nancy and Robin are stuck in the middle of this but despite Robin and Nancy telling me that they're okay I know they aren't and want everything to be fixed but knows that El needs space to cool down.

Once the final bell rang I quickly packed my supplies and put them inside my backpack and left the room before Maya tries to talk to me like she's done for the past three weeks but I manage to escape in time. I speed walk to my locker and put away my English textbook in my locker and close my locker as I'm walking to the student parking lot I stop when I see Maya laughing with El as the two walk to the gym and I remembered that today was girls' basketball practice.

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