Chapter 9

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Jake POV

I toss my basketball in the air and catch it as the basketball falling and set the basketball beside me and I lay on the grass as I stare up at the clouds and think back to when Max told me she's pregnant with my baby and I left her alone in the classroom.

"Ugh I don't why I'm feeling guilty? Max should know by now to be protected and I need to focus on my future. This is Maya's fault! Since she's moved here I've been feeling guilty anytime I spot Max in the hallway or when I hear bad things being said about her." I said trying to push the guilt away:

I hear footsteps approaching and lift my head up to see Lucas and his nerd friends now standing in front of me, "What do you nerds want?" I asked annoyed even though Lucas is a part of the Hawkins Basketball team I still viewed him as a nerd since he hung out with the nerds plus was in Hellfire Club that was led by the freak Eddie Munson.

"Where here to ask when are you going to man up and take responsibility for getting Max pregnant?!" Lucas asks glaring at me and take me by surprise that they know.

"Did Max tell them? Does that mean Maya knows too?"

"And don't try to deny it we been hanging out with Max and she's showing all the symptoms of being pregnant." Dustin added I stood up and walked towards them till I'm face to face with the two, "Max can deal with it by herself! She destroyed her own future when she chose to keep the baby now it's her responsibility to deal with the child NOT mine! If she really did care about her future and the baby then she'll put the baby for adoption so she can focus on future but who knows if she'll even have one let alone be able to graduate being pregnant. Honestly does she really think she'll be able to take care of a child?" I reply crackling at the reactions of Mike, Will, Dustin, and Lucas.

"Now I got better things to do than be talking to you nerds." I said bending down to get my basketball I shoot them one last smirk and turn around only to get turned back around and fall on the ground by a hard punch to the face.

"MAYA WHAT THE HELL!" Dustin shouts as I fall on the ground when Maya appears out of nowhere striking me in the face.

"YOU SCUMBAG! MAX DESERVES BETTER AND SO DOES THE BABY." Maya shouts struggling to escape from Lucas hold, "Maya he's not worth it, okay." Will says as Lucas struggles to hold her back.

"You don't get to make that decision about what should be good for Max and the baby when you decided to abandoned the two and lie that she cheated on you! Max chose to keep the baby and if you were any kind of decent man, you would respect her decisions and support her no matter what! But your just a selfish, cold-hearted, scumbag!" Maya exclaimed narrowing her eyebrows still trying to escape from Lucas hold.

"MAYA STOP!" Lucas yells Maya stops struggling and Lucas slowly lets go but places his hand on Maya shoulder in case she attacks me again.

"Stay away from Max and the baby. You don't deserve to be in her or the baby's life." Maya warns me shooting me a death glare before she and her friends walk away.

One Night/ Max Mayfield x OC FemWhere stories live. Discover now