Chapter 4

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Third POV

One Week Later

Max needed to figure out a better excuse for her constant vomiting sessions and fast, before everyone began to suspect what was really going on.

Throughout the week, she'd been able to keep them for the most part at bay, but she avoided the cafeteria entirely and it wouldn't be long before people began to question why.

Nancy has been lying saying that Max has a stomach bug excuse for the first couple of days, but there was no way that excuse would last if this morning sickness kept happening every time Max caught whiff of food and it was killing her, not being able to eat in fear of vomiting.

Her stomach was aching for food. Something sour or sweet or bitter or all three combined.

"Thanks Robin." Max said accepting the peppermint gum, "Your welcome." Robin replied with a small smile as she helped me get up from the floor.

"Robin forget what I told you and El when you said you'll kill Jake... I'm going to allow it so kill him if you want I'll make sure Nancy doesn't find out." Max said as she and Robin walked the empty hallways to get to the cafeteria.

"Trust me I'm going to kill Jake but what matters most is you and the baby." Robin says and suddenly Max starts feeling nauseous again, "Are you feeling nauseous again?" Robin asks noticing Max decreasing pace and is now walking slow.

Max nods, "Feels like I'm dying." Max answers.

Robin walks me to a bench close to the front office and Max sits down on the bench, "Stay right here I'm going to the nurse office to grab some peppermints just in case you're going to throw up again." Robin says and runs off to the nurse's office. Max sighs tiredly and opens her backpack and pulls out her lunch bag and opens it and remembers how the smell of the food causes her to feel sick in the stomach like she is going to throw up Max gets up and heads to the restroom in case she needs to throw up but bumps into somebody before she could fall down on the floor two hands caught her shoulders.

"Max are you okay?"

Max freezes when she hears the person voice she mentally hopes that it isn't who she think it is but when she looks up her worst fear is confirmed and see it's Maya who she's been avoiding. Max couldn't help but gasp that she had to run into Maya especially with Robin not being here to rescue her from this terrible situation. But the scent of Maya raspberry perfume for whatever reason calmed her down and the feeling of throwing up went away but her heart was racing, she was nervous, and she couldn't help but feel like apologize to Maya and tell her that nothing wrong but it's because she pregnant but then remembers she doesn't deserve to have Maya as a friend or in her life.

The look of concern on Maya face made Max feel bad because for whatever reason she hates keeping Maya in the dark and making Maya think that she hurt her feelings and that's why Max has been avoiding her since Maya first day of school.

"I'm fine." Max replied and pulled away from Maya hold Maya eyes narrowed in confusion from Max quick response, but Maya manages to hide her reaction well before Max can take notice, "Are you sure? Because you look kind of pale like you're a little sick." Maya asked worried for Max health.

"It's nothing." Max said again, trying to look like she isn't sick but is positive she must be failing because Maya still looked concerned deciding to change subject before Maya could further question her, "Shouldn't you be in the cafeteria eating with Will, Dustin, Lucas, Mike, and.... El." Max ask barely able to say El name.

Maya furrowed her eyebrows picking up on how Max was barely able to say El name making Maya sad that Max and El aren't talking to each other especially with how El is avoiding Max. Even though Max has been avoiding Maya it still hurt Maya seeing two best friends not talk to each other when it's obvious they miss each other.

One Night/ Max Mayfield x OC FemWhere stories live. Discover now