Chapter 1; Cornered by your own thoughts.

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Dream stared at the ceiling fan spinning around and around as he listened to the quiet sound of the fan wafting air around the room, as well as the air con making an unwanted humming noise that echoed through the room. He was stuck in a world of his thoughts, these thoughts reverberated through his mind, making it impossible to focus on one thought at a time. When listening so intently to his thoughts, he felt like he was suffocating in them. He was trying hard to turn corners to face away from his problems, but once he turned the corner, his thoughts would be staring right back at him. It often made him question if his thoughts were taunting him in a way.

Loving someone was a big deal to Dream, many could say the same thing. Love has the power over someone's mind to affect their everyday life. Love has the power to force your head to turn when you hear your lovers name, or make you question the possible future you'd have with them. Sometimes, love could hurt, due to it being able to sting. Love can sting not in the way a wasp can sting, when a wasp stings, there is physical damage done to the skin, when love stings, it is a mental damage that manipulates your brain.

The way love could have an affect was the way it stung your brain and heart. When it stings your brain, it swells up with thoughts of them continuously, like the venom has corrupted your thoughts into them and only them. When love stings your heart, it feels like your heart is getting smaller and smaller with every beat, it feels like pressure is being put on it, making it feel like it is being persecuted. Your lover may be not interested, your lover may live thousands of miles away, your lover may have passed away, in Dream's case, his lover was simply straight. Liking a straight guy was one of the many ways love could sting someone, it was poison. Poison that chokes you with liking someone who you can't have.

Love could make you snap, fortunately, Dream hadn't snapped just yet, as the only thing he had finally snapped out of was his thoughts. Finally snapping out of his thoughts felt like the weights that sucked into the tedious thoughts, had slipped off his ankles, letting him rise above his them so he could breathe. What snapped him out of his thoughts, was the figure standing in his doorway, light illuminating behind them making it seem like they had an aura.

 "Oh, sorry I didn't see you. Hi, George," Dream sat up and leaned backwards onto his elbows so he could see George better. The two had history together, they had made internet history together, but most importantly, the memories they made together in private were the best part of their history. All their memories together were sentimental to Dream, he cherished each one he looked back on.

 "Can you do me a favour?" George questioned. Dream knew what it was going to be, for the simple reason he would always ask for a 'favour' rather than asking him to do something. Dream stood up and walked over to George so he could stand next to him. 

"Edit your video?" He assumed it would be that as that was the only favour he would request from Dream most of the time. George nodded and walked out the bedroom with Dream, going into his own room where a whole un-edited video was beaming on the PC. Dream sat down on the gaming chair and lifted the bar up underneath so the chair would fall lower as he was taller than George.

"Yeah." To be fair, George despised editing, and Dream knew it. He had made George edit every single video since he moved into The Dream Team House, so he decided he would give George the editing break he needed, especially as it was something he disliked doing.

"Okay, you've done the thumbnail though, right?" Dream asked, looking up at George, who was standing behind the chair so he could lean over and watch how he was editing. Dream opened up the files on George's computer and saw that there was no thumbnail for the video, making him sigh as he knew George wouldn't do it. Thankfully, George seemed like he was in a mood to help.

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