Chapter 2; What to do if you're in love with your best friend?

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"Dream, wanna play a game?" Sapnap poked his head around the door and saw Dream laying down, facing the ceiling fan, deep into thought once again. Something was up with Dream, but George and Sapnap were just waiting for the right time to confront him about it properly.

"I'm good." He murmured, keeping a close eye on the fan. He put his hand in the desk next to his bed and tapped around on it until he felt the light remote, not even bothering to turn his head away from the fan. He finally had it in his grasp and searched through the different colours he could have it on. after a while of deciding, he ended up choosing blue.

"What's up with you? You haven't been yourself since yesterday. George told me you were upset about something but you wouldn't tell him what it was." Sapnap walked over and say on the edge of the bed, putting a hand in Dream's shoulder to comfort him.

"Chill, I'm fine." To tell the truth, he wasn't okay in the slightest, he hadn't ever felt this upset before, and it was all over some silly little crush. He liked to call it a 'silly little crush', because he hoped it would trick his brain into thinking it wasn't an actual crush and it was just some feelings he accidentally caught because of their platonic friendship.

 "You can tell me and George anything y'know. We are your best friends and we are here to support you no matter what. I don't wanna get too cheesy but you mean a lot to me and George so if something's up, don't be afraid to tell us." Sapnap kept his hand on Dream's shoulder and tried to comfort him. Normally, Dream would be pretty open about his issues with his best friends, but this one problem he was just keeping to himself, as if it was a secret. Dream just kept staring at the ceiling can spinning around and around until Sapnap said something to cancel out the awkward silence. 

"Well, I think this is my queue to go, but please tell me or George if you have any issues." Sapnap patted his shoulder, as if he were an older brother, and walked off. Dream always saw Sapnap as the older brotherly figure, he wasn't like a fatherly figure, he considered BadBoyHalo to be more of a fatherly figure. With George, he couldn't really pinpoint what he was, he knew he was his best friend but there had always been a type of feeling he had got around George.

He needed to stop thinking about George, but the unknown feelings he had for him wouldn't leave until he explored them. Foreign feelings were not the best thing ever, it always made Dream feel like he was going to get lost in them, or he'd get so wound up in the new feeling, he wouldn't be able to leave it. So, he did what he least expected himself to do, and grabbed his phone.

What to do if you're in love with your best friend?

He scanned through the results, trying to find something that would help him. Most of them were straight relationships or crushes, so he had to try and find one that could suit anyone. After scrolling for a few minutes, he found something written in bold, it was eye-catching. Sure, it was a cliche middle school kid thing to do but he was panicking and at this point he had to go to his last resort.

Differentiate your romantic feelings and platonic feelings.

Dream grabbed a pillow and put it in front of his chest, hugging it as he scanned through many of the unhelpful options. Though, the one that told him to differentiate through romantic and platonic feelings would not leave his mind. Was it just their platonic relationship that was confusing him? They often flirted in a platonic way, so it seemed to make sense. It didn't make sense though, he felt like he was on cloud 9 when George would look at him or talk to him, so what was platonic about that? Surely, you'd be able to easily differentiate between platonic and romantic feelings, but it wasn't helpful as he didn't understand the difference at all.

Don't feel guilty. Once you've established that your feelings are romantic, don't allow yourself to feel guilty for them.

He didn't understand how someone could be happy in this situation. He felt guilty for falling for a straight boy who just so happened to live with him while being they were closest they had ever been. Everyone shipped them together, their friends, fans and even family shipped them so surely one of the two would be bond to fall in love. There was an overestimating amount of guilt that he was starting to feel after reading a sentence that told him to not feel guilty, so it just had a total opposite effect on him.

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