Chapter 12; Beauty sleep

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After spending all day yesterday watching TV together while holding hands under the blankets, Dream had stayed in his office all day. Not because he was avoiding George, because he was trying to figure out how to word how he felt about George. He could say it all in his head just fine, but when he tried to say it out loud to himself, he would turn into a stuttering mess and would repeat himself constantly.

He slumped down on his chair and covered his face with his hands. This was stressful. If he knew George was on the gay spectrum, it'll be a lot easier for him, sure theres a chance George might not like him back still, but it gives him higher chances of there being some sort of feelings. After sitting and thinking for some more time, he started spinning around on his chair, but he soon stopped that when he heard a knock at his door.

"Come in!" He yelled, hoping he said it loud enough for the soundproof walls to not block it out. For some reason, he could always tell who was knocking at his door, Sapnap knocked a little harsher than George, so Dream knew George would be walking in the room.

"Hi, George, are you okay?" Dream said with a smile, George shut the door behind him with his foot and walked over to Dream. He stood behind Dream's gaming chair and leaned on it, swaying Dream side to side to annoy him in an endearing way.

"Yeah, what are you doing?" George asked. There was something on George's mind and he couldn't stop thinking about it, so he decided to just talk with Dream to try and distract himself from it. While Dream looked up at the ceiling, George fiddled with his hair, despite being worried about what Dream would say about it,

"Spinning on my chair while thinking." He said, though he was in a good mood. Maybe he had figured out what was worrying him because normally when Dream would say he's thinking, he would be upset but he looked joyful.


"Just random stuff, like what to do tomorrow."

"What are we going to do tomorrow?" George asked, walking away from Dream's chair to a nearby beanbag. He grabbed a Rubix cube that was on Dream's desk and looked at all the sides before trying to solve it.

"Cuddle, obviously."

"N-no." George's voice was shaky, which was confusing.

"Oh, well we can do it now." Dream sat up from his chair and sat down on the beanbag next to George. You see, George wasn't exactly the type to go in for a hug, but when it came to Dream he couldn't resist. He spent most of his time being friends with Dream wishing he could hug him, now he lived with him he always hugged back. George scooter closer to him and let Dream wrap his arms around him.



"You mean a lot to me." Mumbled Dream in the crook of George's neck, pulling him close. George knew Dream loved him a lot, he said it enough and showed it enough with physical touch as his love language. George occasionally said it back to him, not all the time but some times, mostly at the times when one of them were upset.

"Why?" George asked, not sure how to reply to the kind comment. He never did well with replying to people who said anything about appreciating him, so when Dream did it, he felt bad because he loved Dream.

"What do you mean, why? You're like- perfect, how could you not mean a lot to me?"

"Because you're an idiot." George joked, not liking how the conversation was going because Dream was talking about how he appreciated George. Normally, George would thank him or return the compliment, but he didn't want to say anything that would potentially ruin their friendship.

"Wow, I love you too."

"I can't be bothered to do anything today." George changed the subject, trying to swerve the conversation away from being up close with the touchy feelings. He loved Dream but it was too overwhelming with the feelings he was trying to sort out at the moment.

"I need to put the Christmas tree up, you can help if you want?"

"Can we do it later? I'm kinda tired." George said, slumping down so he would sink down in the beanbag more. Dream did the same, copying his hand movements out of boredom.

"How are you tired? You was asleep on me for like- all day yesterday."

"I need my beauty sleep." George laughed, making Dream laugh too. George's laugh was super contagious for Dream, he always ended up giggling no matter how sad he was, because George's laughter was just a heartwarming thing to hear.

"You've had a lot of beauty sleep." Dream gently poked his cheek, making George cover his face. These things Dream did never made George flustered before, now they did.

"And you haven't, you need your beauty sleep because beauty sleep makes you beautiful." George poked his cheek back, making Dream's cheeks red. Dream spoke about how he could blush easily in the past, but he never said it directly to George because he didn't want him knowing. Telling it to millions of fans didn't help the fact he wanted to hide it from George though.

"Clearly you've overslept." He made yet another flirty remark.

"You're such an idiot, oh my god." George pushed Dream away and pointed to the bed. George normally kept track of Dream's sleep schedule, he didn't know how, but Dream could forget how much sleep he had gotten, so he'd wake up at 3AM and won't go to bed until 4AM the next day.

"George, I'm a grown ass man I don't need a nap."

"Please? I don't want you tired for Christmas Eve because your sleep schedule will be messed up." George stood up and held his hand out to Dream. He sighed and followed George, but he didn't walk towards Dream's room, he walked straight past and went in his own room.

"Bed." George pointed to the bed. Dream didn't complain and walked over to George's bed, laying down.

All dream could think about was how soft George's hands were. How he held his hands so...softly. He was extremely gentle when touching Dream's hands, it was as if they were fragile to George. It made Dream feel butterflies.

Dream got in the bed and and looked up at George, who smiled and tucked him in, making Dream scoff. George handed him a blanket and patted his head to annoy Dream.

"You're such an idiot." Dream said, pushing George's hand away.

"Goodnight, idiot."

"Goodnight, idiot. I love you."

Dream woke up and looked at his alarm clock, it was 9PM so it wasn't a bad time to get up as he could go back to bed in 2 hours so his sleep schedule would go back to normal.

"Dream, you're awake!" George cheered, clapping his hands.

"I am awake." Dream smiled, rubbing his eyes as George walked over and grabbed his arm. Confused, Dream got out of bed and let George guide him to wherever he was going to.

"Where are you taking me?" Dream asked, rubbing his eyes.

"Just follow me, and close your eyes." George stood infront of Dream and out his hands on Dream's waist, guiding him down the stairs so he wouldn't fall. He then took Dream's hand by the finger tips and lured him over to the main room.

"You built the Christmas tree and decorated it?" Dream was shocked at how they managed to do it without A, arguing, and B, somehow burning the house down. He walked over and immediately noticed two green and blue candy canes put together forming a heart. Dream did that last year and only George noticed it, so the only person that could've done it was, well, George.

"Yeah, and we saved the star for you." Sapnap handed him the star and watched as Dream went on tippy toes to put it on. Some simple things Dream did made Dream sit in awe. It wasn't a big deal, Dream putting a star on a Christmas tree, but it meant so much to George as he never had the Christmases he wanted with him in the past.

"This Christmas is going to be so fun!" Sapnap cheered, jumping up and down. Dream and George both made eye contact, and it seemed as if everything went slow.

The way they walked past each other, went slow. Sapnap cheering, went slow, and everything else around them, went slow. Their hands brushed against each other's when they walked over to Sapnap, but they didn't hold hands.

"Tomorrow, we wrap the presents!"

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