Chapter 17; Rain

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Dream was sitting by the window watching the rain drip down the window, he was a tiny bit upset because they couldn't go on their date but he didn't want to let it ruin his day.

George was sitting down on the living room floor building Lego while Dream has gotten distracted, as he swore he saw lightning. Dream had bought some Lego flowers a few days ago and they decided to do that for their date instead.

"And basically that's how Patches knocked over the cup of water on your keyboard and not me. She jumped up on my lap and then on the desk because your bedroom door was shut and she wanted to go in there." George rambled on about how it was Patches that broke Dream's keyboard and not him. Dream knew it was George because he had bought him a new one, if it really was Patches George wouldn't have guilt bought it for him.

"Patches has her birthday in 1 month and 18 days." Dream said, drawing a picture of a cat on the window, though he stopped once he saw the raindrops racing to reach the bottom of the window.

"She does?" George asked, wondering why Dream was thinking about Patches birthday, and also how he got the date perfectly correct.

"Yeah, it's on Valentine's day." Dream put his finger against the window and looked at a specific raindrop.

"Dream, what are you doing?" George asked as he watched Dream trace his inxed and middle finger down the window, where he was keeping track of the raindrops positions.

"I'm looking at the rain." He replied, keeping his head pressed against the window as he watched the rain pound down onto the ground. George sighed and walked over to the window seat with a blanket.

"You're making the windows dirty."

"You act like you're the one that cleans the house." Dream laughed, continuing to 'dirty up the windows', as George would normally call it. Dream did most of the cleaning in the house, he didn't really like Sapnap or George cleaning because he liked to know where everything was. He tidied the whole house other than Sapnap's and George's room so he knew where everything was, aswell as the other two.

"I finished the Lego flowers." He said, looking at Dream, who didn't look away from the window. George looked at Dream fondly and felt a smile grow on his face, Dream liked the rain a lot, it was obvious because whenever it was raining he'd sit at the built in couch near the window. Dream loved the couch window, it was his favourite place to sit because he could look outside, plus it was the most comfortable place to sit at in the entire house.

"Can you watch the rain with me?" Dream said, lifting up the blanket to reveal a space for George to lay at. George nodded and sat down next to him and laid back, relaxing into the warmth of Dream. George looked out the window, baffled at how Dream could watch the rain fall for hours on end.

"I think the rain is nice too." George said, putting his index finger ontop of Dream's index finger, tracing the trail that the raindrop went down. Dream spread his fingers apart even more, letting George interlock his hand with Dream's from behind. Dream continued to trace over more the the raindrops, George smiling at Dream as he looked extremely focused on the activity.

"I'm sorry we couldn't go on a date, George. I was looking forward to it but the rain is a bit too heavy to drive in." Dream said, wiggling so he was laying down with his neck resting against a pillow, rather than his back.

"It's okay, it's not like we could go to a restaurant anyways because we would get caught." Dream brought a hand over to George's hair and started twirling his curls around his index finger. They both laid down in silence for a while, the only thing to be heard was the rain pattering down on the window.

"We don't have to go on a date." Dream blurted out, a smile forming on his face as he continued to play with George's hair. George turned and looked at him, confused. Dream was looking forward to the date, so why work he just cancel it?


"George, do you want to be my boyfriend?" He asked, his nerves practically leaving his body entirely. He felt confident because George had accepted the offer to go on the date, and had kissed him the night before, so it wasn't too scary. His adre

"W-yeah, I wouldn't have agreed to the date otherwise." He laughed, along with Dream. The way he asked George out felt a lot better as it wasn't tense or serious, it was more comfortable and a nice setting to ask him out. They were cuddled up next to eachother looking out the window as rain fell, Dream's hand running through George's hair, and George fiddling with the loose tussles on the blanket.

"Do we have to tell Sapnap, I mean- he does live with us." George asked, he didn't want Dream to kiss him or something while Sapnap was there, not knowing they were a couple because it wod be a horrible way to break the news to him.

"Well, we can give it a week and if you feel comfortable telling him then, we can tell him. Is there anything you wanna set or-?" Dream wanted to get the whole thing perfect, he had been wanting to date George for ages now and he'd hate to fuck it all up.

"I'm fine with everything." George said, letting go of his hand to pull the blankets up.

"Okay so I can call you my little british bitch?" Dream hurts into a wheeze, he thought his wheeze had gone but it occasionally came back if he laughed hard enough.

"Okay, no-" He said trying not to laugh, though it was extremely hard as Dream's laugh was so contagious. Eventually, he did end up joining Dream with his fit of laughter and giggles, despite trying to hold it off he just couldn't.

The room feel silent again, both of them taking the moment in as they were both now officially dating. George never would have thought he'd date Dream, he always assumed Dream was joking, which he disliked because he had small feelings for Dream.

They both had small feelings for eachother, and as time went by the feelings got stornger and stronger, it's just that Dream fell first and George fell harder.

"Here you go." George said, handing him a ruby red Lego flower he made, they were supposed to make it together but Dream was too focused on his favourite weather, the rain. He never felt sad when it rained, it was so comforting, but another thing that was comforting was being cuddled up to his best friend, who he can now call his boyfriend.

"If it stops raining tomorrow do you wanna go for a walk?" George asked, looking up at Dream, who looked outside and then back down at him with a smile.

"Wanna go for a walk now? It doesn't matter if it's raining we can go anyways."

"Yeah, of course." George smiled, and lifted the blankets off of them.

1240 words

sorry if this was bad i got lazy •-•

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