Chapter 9; Movie night

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"You two were gone for ages, so I cooked dinner. Where did you guys go?" Sapnap said, taking a pizza out the oven while George and Dream stood by the kitchen island, no longer holding hands as they didn't want Sapnap to see. They didn't say that to eachother but they both just knew so when they got the the front door they let go, even though they didn't want to.

"We went for a drive and then to a park, just to sit on the swings and talk." Dream said, leaving out all parts where they got remotely close to eachother.

"Alright, I was wondering if you two wanna watch a movie with me after we have dinner?"

"What's for dinner?" George asked, peeking over Sapnap's shoulder to see what he was putting on the plates. Sapnap stood in front of him and blocked his view of the dinner he made. George put a hand on either side of Sapnap's shoulder and jumped up to see.

"Pizza." Sapnap spun around holding a pizza, surprised he didn't drop it. He placed it down on a plate and then on the kitchen island. Dream walked over and gave George a plate. There was something about Dream doing these little things for him that made him feel...cozy...warm perhaps... He never took notice of it before, but something felt different about their friendship recently so he was starting to notice all the small things Dream did for him, such as putting his hand on his shoulder when he walked past, grabbing things for him even if it was in reach, or pulling him into a warm embrace when he looked upset. Dream could just tell when George was upset, George didn't know how though. Sometimes George wouldn't even understand his own emotions, yet Dream would know.

"Wow, you're such a professional cook." Dream laughed, taking a bite. Sapnap lightly punched Dream on his shoulder and let his jaw drop. Dream and George both walked over to the dining table and sat down next to each other, nothing different so far, it seemed George had forgotten about the hand holding so Dream was a little worried about the signals George was giving him.

"Hey, at least it was an oven pizza and not a microwavable one." Sapnap said walking over to the dining table with his plate and pizza. Sapnap sat down in front of Dream and George, who were sat next to each other.

"So, where did you two go?" Sapnap asked, taking a bite out of his pizza. George looked at Dream and waited for him to answer, knowing he wouldn't mention the hand holding.

"We just went to the park and spoke for a while, mostly about Christmas." That technically wasn't a lie as that's exactly what happened, but Dream wasn't going to point out they held hands or anything like that. Yes, Sapnap knew Dream liked George, but if he told Sapnap infront of George, it might make George uncomfortable. He didn't know if George wanted Sapnap to know, so he decided to just keep it to himself.

"Anything else? Okay, well, did you talk about anything else?" Sapnap said, looking directly at Dream, who shook his head. Sapnap questioned why he had suddenly stopped talking and then realized he had just randomly gone pale.

George was holding his hand, but Sapnap didn't know that, and Dream was just frozen. When they were out he only thought George held his hand because he was cold, it was the only logical conclusion he could think of. It was average temperature in the house, it wasn't too cold or too hot, it was perfect so there was no reason for him to be holding his hand.

"Hello? Dream?"

"Oh, right, sorry." Dream said, shaking his head to snap out of his spiraling thoughts.

"Never mind." Now, it was obvious something just happened, and by the positioning of George's arm and Dream's arm, he assumed they were holding hands. He wasn't sure though, so he slid his fork off the table and made it seem like he was annoyed.

He guessed correctly.

Their hands were interlocked and Dream was extremely red.

"Woah, Dream you're so red, what the fuck?" Sapnap said, wanting George to get the hint. Truth to be told, Sapnap just wanted them to get together.

"What? No, I'm not." Dream felt his face heat up even more, this time from embarrassment. George was colourblind so he couldn't tell when Dream was blushing by the colour of his cheeks, instead he could tell by his mannerisms. Whenever Sapnap would point out Dream was blushing, George would examine his mannerisms so he'd know.

"I'm not blushing, this pizza is just spicy."

"Spicy? Dream, it's literally pepperoni pizza, how the hell is it spicy?"

"Let's a movie." Dream said, letting go of George's hand. They both walked over to the couch while Sapnap finished his pizza, stacking the plates up so he could carry them over to the dishwasher in one go. Eventually, Sapnap walked over to the couch.

Dream sat in the middle with Sapnap laying on his shoulder and George laying on his lap. He was basically a pillow for them but he didn't mind as they were both happy and quiet because Sapnap and George always got into arguments. Not serious arguments, only joke ones where they'd argue over who is the better character or something like that.

"George, you comfortable on Dream's lap?" There was a strong urge that Sapnap felt, and it was to get Dream and George close together. He wanted Dream to be happy, seeing him in such a state because he was worried about what George thought of him wasn't making anything better.

"Shut up." George quickly spat, not wanting anything else to happen between the two. It's not that he didn't want anything more to happen, he really did want more to happen between them but not with anyone around.

"He has two shoulders y'know."

"And you took my favorite one." Lied George.

"You have a favorite shoulder? What do you give him hickeys or something on this one?"

"Oh my god, you're so weird." Dream and George both said at the same time, making the three of them all laugh. That's what Bad meant by them being soulmates, the amount of times they would both day the same thing or do the same action at the same time.

"Or do you give him hickeys on both?" Sapnap teased, making Dream elbow him in his side. Sapnap slapped his arm lightly, and leaned over to George to see him respond.

"I don't give him hickeys, I've never even kissed him."

"You've never kissed Dream?!" Screeched Sapnap, he was in complete shock. He assumed they had missed at least once before, if you just looked at the two you'd assume they were dating. It was a shocker how they hadn't kissed yet, all the jokes about it made it seem like it happened at least once.

"No." George simply replied, too invested in the movie trailers that were playing on repeat. Dream noticed George sounded unbothered, like he didn't care about anything to do with being in a relationship with Dream.

"I'll pay you $20." Sapnap offered with a smirk as he looked at Dream, who was zoned out, but Sapnap didn't notice that.

"No, you're such an idiot."

"I'll give you $100 if you kiss him right now."

"Will you actually?"


"In cash?"


George immediately sat up and put a hand on either side of Dream's shoulders, he leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. Dream snapped out of the zoning out and covered his face with two hands, looking down to hide his blush. This was certainly not supposed to happen but it happened and he had to expect the least expected.

"How many times have you done that before?" Questioned Sapnap, wondering why George didn't hold back from doing it.

"None, what?" George said, sitting up properly so he could lay on Dream's other shoulder, even though it 'Wasn't his favorite'. Dream decided to make the next move by putting a blanket over their laps, so he could hold George's hand.

Dream hid his face, clearly hiding his blush from the others. George smiled as he watched Dream try and stop himself from smiling.

"He's blushinggg!" Sapnap teased, making Dream look at the TV to pretend the kiss never happened. They were still holding hands under the blankets though, so that made the situation less tense and awkward for the two.

Things were changing and Dream did not like change.

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