Chapter 18; Video Games

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Dream was stopped by George before they left the house.

"Where is your coat?" George asked, pulling at the thin hoodie he was wearing. Dream shook his head and tugged at the coat George was wearing.

"I gave it to you." He replied, pulling the hood up on George's coat. George shook his head and pulled the hood back down, he poked a finger at Dream's chest and pointed at the rain with his other hand.

"But you need one." George frowned. Dream rolled his eyes and opened the front door.

"No, I'll be fine." Dream smiled, stepping out the house, letting the rain pour down on him. He put his arms out and shrugged his shoulders to show he was fine, but George knew he wouldn't be if they went for a long walk. George stepped outside and dragged him back inside the house, shutting the door.

"No, your immune system sucks." George took his coat off and hung it back up before locking the front door. George didn't want to have Dre complaining he was sick all week so it was for the best. When he turned around he saw Dream slouched back down on the window couch, looking at the rain again.

"We can go when it stops raining?" Dream turned around and patted a spot down next to him, George walked over sat sat next to him, resting his head on his collarbone.

"Can we play Minecraft?" Dream said, grabbed a controller from a cabinet. George sat up, and looked back at Dream. He was a tiny bit annoyed because he did want to lay with Dream, but he knew Minecraft would be more fun.

"Yeah, I'll go load it up on my PC." George went to walk upstairs but Dream stopped him and pointed to the Xbox.

"No, just play it down here, on the Xbox." Dream handed him a controller and patted a spot next to him. George always noticed these little things Dream did, it was like Dream needed to remind George to sit close to him, and George found it quite cute. There hadn't been a time where Dream didn't pay a spot next to him, it seemed Dream just wanted George next to him at all times.

George was aware that Dream wanted to play Minecraft for the simple reason he would always beat him when they played split screen.

"Promise me no shields?" George said, waiting for Dream to create a new world. He waited for George to join the game and handed him a few blocks with some gear.

"Okay, but you have to promise me you won't cover my eyes when I'm about to kill you." George finished building an upside down 'T' infront of Dream and started running around waiting for him to finish.

"I can't promise anything." George said, crouching infront of Dream as he waited for him to get ready. Suddenly, Dream clicked off his inventory and critted George, making him scream loudly.

"DREAM!" George screeched nudging him with his elbow to try and distract him. George built a tower and boxes himself in, trying to regain his health, but Dream got out a flint and steel and began burning his tower down.

"GEORGE, COME HERE." He yelled through fits of laughter as George kept running. This is exactly what Dream was looking forward to, everything going back to normal. Though, George was screaming his head off due to being low on health, so he did the only thing he could think of in that situation.

George snatched the controller off Dream and threw it behind him, diving ontop of him to cover his eyes with his hands. Dream tried to pull George off him, but George had a strong grip.

After George got the last final crits on Dream's character, he let go of Dream, who immediately dived ontop of George. He quickly grabbed the controller off George and built a tower so George's character would die.

"Hey, that's cheating." George said, pushing Dream off of him to lay on his shoulder.

"How is it cheating? You did it to me."

"It's not cheating when I do it." George said, completely ignoring the game now. He liked playing video games with Dream, but only games Dream wasn't good at so he could brag about it, and sometimes help him if he was being nice.

"Oh, that's fair." He sarcastically said, ending his sentence with a scoff. George powered his controller off and put it on the coffee table, so he could lay on Dream's lap. He closed his eyes and laid there while Dream went on an online server to play.

It wasn't distracting per say, but having George lay on his lap made it hard to focus. He wanted to just go to sleep but George seemed pretty comfortable with laying on Dream's lap. Dream didn't know how George could get tired so easily, but he knew to try and keep his volume down to not disturb George.

He loaded into another game and played with George's hair as he waited to the game to start. Though, he did get a little too distracted as the opponent started attacking him.

Dream spammed the RT button to attack them and pushed himself back into the cushion when he lost. He frozen when he remembered George was asleep, and he would be pretty annoyed if he woke him up.

Maybe a quick nap with him wouldn't hurt.

(A/N) I'm 99% sure Dream said he has an Xbox one, so that's why I used Xbox :)

sorry if the upload schedule has been bad :( ive been super busy trying to catch up on school work as well as finding new ideas!

957 words

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