Chapter 6

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The next day came faster than I expected. Probably because once Danny dropped me off, I headed straight to bed...after crying about everything that had happened. I feel like going to Paris was a mistake and what I really needed was to be around my family, my mother. She's been blowing up my phone making sure I'm okay and if I'm having fun.

I didn't want to cry, but the tears just wouldn't stop and Leona had to stop what she was doing to comfort me. We sat on the small bed in the guest room while I just bawled my eyes out. I was pretty sure snot got all on her shirt, but she didn't seem to mind.

I thought about Danny and how he's such a kind-hearted person, and I know that he's everything I wanted, but crossing paths with him is making things more complicated for me. I came here for one reason, and one reason only, and he's ruining my whole story plan.

I'm still trying to get over my ex and some days, I think I'll be okay, and then the next day I'm crying over something that I've already gone over... like today.

"Do you wanna just go to a different cafe?" asked Leona. "Well actually that's the only cafe. But there's restaurants," she added. My head was buried in my hands as I shook my head.

"We can't just ghost him. He's been so kind to us, plus we literally ruined his whole night at the concert.I told him that we'll show up tomorrow morning for a coffee, so we have too."
She shrugged. "It'll be fine, he'll probably forget... or you should just tell him so he won't feel like he did something wrong."

I run my fingers through my hair that I'm pretty sure is a mess and bit down on my nail. "He wouldn't understand. You're right though. Maybe he will forget. We literally just met him a day ago."
She nodded once, but I could tell from the look on her face that she knows I don't even agree with myself. I don't, because even though we just met, my heart feels something for him.

Suddenly tired, I take off my shoes and lay on my side of the bed. My eyes were now dry, so I gently closed them and took deep breaths to keep me from crying again, because it only took one thought about him for me to start tearing up. A few minutes later while I was still drifting off to sleep,  I felt a big, soft blanket cover my body, and then I was off to sleep.

•┈┈┈••✦ :🪷: ✦••┈┈┈•

I woke up way later than I expected. My eyes opened and the sun was beaming through the curtains. Jazz music was playing in the living room. Her grandma is probably doing her morning knitting and yoga session.

I groaned when I realized that I woke up and didn't sleep forever. Now I have to live another day. "Back to reality," I whispered to myself as I pulled the covers off of me and took a long, deep stretch.

Leona was brushing and styling her hair in the bathroom when I walked in. It smelled like perfume and lots of hairspray.

"Morning sunshine," she said, making way for me to walk in. "Morning."
I picked up the mouthwash that was half empty and gargled it in my mouth. It tasted tangy, and it burned my tongue until I spit it out and brushed my teeth.

Leona could tell that I still wasn't in the mood to do anything but lay back in bed and watch The Vampire Diaries for the rest of the day. "Listen," she said as she braided one strand and tied it back. "I have a meeting online in like 15 minutes so I can't make it to the cafe."

I rolled my eyes and walked out of the bathroom, to the closet. "You'll be fine Saph."
"No leona, I won't. What if I quit my plans with you?" I cut her off so she couldn't answer. ".....Actually, don't even imagine because I'd never do that."

She sat on the side of the bed. "It's not my fault and you know that. Maybe you can hang out with my Grandma and run some errands with her? Or when you go to the cafe, ask Danny to hang out. You gotta stop being so cranky. He's actually pretty...decent."

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