Chapter 9

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I was back in town in no time. I was practically out of breath from running, I even had to take off my uncomfortable boots that were digging into my feet, but it started raining 5 minutes ago, so I put them back on.

I'm standing outside a store under the hood, waiting for my uber to come. The streets were empty and there's no one around but me. I was cold and alone. To calm myself down, I did the thing where I look at people and guess who they are and what they do. I had to wait a few minutes for someone to walk past me.

A guy wearing all black. Black shirt, black shoes,black jeans, and black shoes. His hair was longer than mine, and he was carrying a vase of roses. He's probably an average guy who makes music and is meeting up with a girl. Or he's married and is bringing them home to his wife and kids. Either way, he seems like a nice guy.

My phone was already ringing and buzzing in my pocket, but I was too angry to answer. All of this is bringing back what I left in the past, what I thought I got over. It's ripping open healing wounds and leaving me there to bleed,

Even though I'm upset at Danny, it hurts even worse knowing this was the same thing that happened with my ex. There's always another woman. I always had a feeling that I was the second choice, over everyone. When it comes to my career and friends, Sapphire is never the first that comes to mind. More like last.

I took off my jacket and held it over my head as I ran to the car. The man greeted me and asked me where I was headed. He was wearing a dark blue shirt and his beard was very long.
"Um," I replied nervously. "Just drive 15 minutes out of town.I'll tell you when to stop."
He nodded and hit the pedal.

I grabbed my phone and ignored all the messages I was getting, and texted my mom to tell her to pick me up from the airport tomorrow night. The rain began to drop on the window harder.

'What happened? Why are you coming home?'
'Mom can you just please do what I ask for this one time?' I waited a few seconds and the three dots appeared again.
'Alright hun. I'll be there.'

I tossed my phone next to me and rested my head, looking out the window all the way there to try to calm my thoughts.
10 minutes had gone by and I tapped the man's shoulder. "I'll be fine from here," I told him. He slowed down the car and pulled over as I grabbed my purse to pay him. "Are you sure?" he asks. "It's pouring out there."

"It's not that far of a walk, and I don't have enough money to get me all the way there." I attempted to hand him the only cash I had but he kindly declined it.
"No need. Have a good night."
I smiled and hopped out of the van, into the gloomy air.

The doors were locked and I was positive her grandparents were sleeping, so to avoid them waking up, I walked around the back and opened the window to our room. The rain made it slide right open. I pushed the curtains out the way and climbed through, but I tripped on it.

She turned the light on and ran over to me. I was completely soaked and the cold air inside the house made me freeze.

"Where have you been?! Danny has been blowing up my phone and seeing where you are or if you made it home." Leona took off my jacket as I stood there, not saying a word. She was in her pjs, the matching ones we bought, with her damp hair in a braid.
"Hello? Saturn to Sapphire, say something!"

"There's nothing to say besides the fact that I'm leaving Paris," I mumbled.
"I said I'm leaving Paris. My mom is picking me up from the airport in the morning so I need to pack, like right now." I haven't even told her about Danny and my tears are already building up.

Leona squinted her eyebrows as she sat down on the bed. I opened the closet door, took my suitcase, and started aggressively stuffing clothes inside. She watched me for a couple of beats.

I hear her stutter for a bit before getting her words together. "Why are you leaving?" I could hear the sadness in her voice and it made me even more upset at myself.
I let out a sob and looked at her. "Thank you for taking me here. I really loved hanging out with your grandparents and all, but this isn't helping. I need to get out of here. I need to be with my mom. My family."

"Did he do something to you?" She questioned.  "What did he do?"
"He didn't do anything, I was just stupid enough to think that we had something...special?" I shrugged. "I don't know. But he'll be fine without me, just like he was before I met him."
After tossing my jeans and t-shirt in my suitcase, I walked to the bathroom and grabbed my toothbrush, along with my hair products.

"This is nonsense. He likes you and you know it."
I raised my voice again. "Goodness! Can you stop bringing up this imaginary world where me and Danny fall in love?" I exaggerated.

"This is all happening too fast and I can't do this anymore."
I heard the door open along with a grumpy voice. "What on earth is going on in here?"
It was her Grandpa. Leona stood up off the bed. "Sapphire is leaving! I paid all this money and she just wants to go?"

My hands bang against the counter. "This is not about you. This is about me. Can we for once make this about me?"
I stomped out of the bathroom with my soggy clothes on and threw my suitcase on the bed, rearranging stuff.

"Girls. Call down." Grandpa said, with his arms out in front of him. "Sapphire, take a breath alright?"
I ignored him as I grab my purse, suitcase, and walked past him.
"Get back here right now!" He yelled after me.
•┈┈┈••✦ :🪷: ✦••┈┈┈•
I didn't know where my legs were taking me, considering the fact that I have no clue where the airport is and absolutely no money to get there. Thankfully the sky is on my side. It has stopped raining, but now the puddles are deep and it's hard to see them.
I continue walking down the street, without looking back. My head was pounding and at this point I was completely numb. But the tears had stopped. I was just wiping my nose and sniffing continuously.

I was a little surprised to see a few cars passing, since it was deep into the night, and I was even more surprised to see a black truck stop beside me. A dark figure jumped out and ran over to me. It was Danny. His eyes squinted for a second, trying to recognize me. When he did, I heard him whisper, "Oh my god."

I stood there with no words to say, but took 2 steps back when he took his jacket off and attempted to put it around me.
"Please, don't," I calmly whispered. He took it back and noticed that I had my luggages with me.

"Where are you going? Why did you leave? It's late, are you insane!"
I pushed my hair out of my face and let out a big sigh. "Yeah no shit. Why do you care anyways? Just go back to Katie. She misses you."

I was emotionally exhausted, I wasn't even up for arguing. The whole thing with Leona took my energy away.
His face softened. "My sister? You can't be serious right now. Why were you going through my messages in the first place?"

My face flushed with disappointment. I was expecting him to tell the truth. Why is he lying to me? "Danny, just be honest with me, alright? I'm not in the mood for all of this. I just want to go home."
His face flushed.

"But you can't go home. I-"
I shrugged my shoulders like what's happening doesn't mean anything to me.  "Why not? We just met a week ago. Everything will go back to how it was, like I wasn't even here in the first place. That way you can go back to your stupid girlfriend, with your stupid job, your stupid paintings, in this stupid city."

"First off okay, I'm not lying. You can go through our messages if you want but it's all too much to explain right now. Second... ouch."
He took a step closer to me and gently grabbed my arm."Listen, you're soaked, it's getting colder out here, and I don't want you getting. Just get in the truck and I will tell you everything."

I crossed my arms as I let out a heavy sigh. "Fine."

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