The lost boy

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A young man with shoulder length h/c hair makes his way down a dark barely lit street. It had been storming horribly for a week now. The clouds never leaving the sky. The rain pouring down. Unfortunately it wasn't bad enough to cancel work or school. The young e/c man just strolls down the wet nearly flooded road as the rain soaks his hair and clothes. He doesn't mind it though. He loved the rain after all. It had been a miniature paradise this entire week. Though he did however like being able to see. If nobody could read a clock everyone would have thought that it was night time for 72+ hours straight.

Young man: This rain is a fuckin blessing I swear. The soothing patter of the drops hitting windows, concrete, and asphalt. The occasional tree leaves when you walk by the few trees there are. The rythmic sound of the mild thunder. There's been no lightning luckily. It's like heaven for me right now.... If only I didn't have to work....

The young man sighs and continues on his way eventually cutting through an alleyway and walking into a motel parking lot. His "home sweet home". He walks slowly and tiredly up the paint peeled metal steps to the second floor and down the worn concrete balcony to his creaky old wooden door marked "114". He unlocks the door and steps inside not really caring about tracking the rain water through the cheap old room. The man drops his two layered hoodie on a chair and steps into the bathroom. Taking his shirt off the young man looks in the mirror.

Under the jackets and shirt was revealed to be a scar ridden body. Three circular scars on his shoulder. One long cut across his torso from shoulder to hip. One shorter one crossing it. His wrists riddled with slashes and cuts almost up to his elbows. Usually he kept his arms wrapped but he couldn't be bothered today.

Young man: Jeez I was such an edgy little punk-ass bitch... Good thing I grew up.... Yeah... GOOD thing....

He sighs and looks at a photo hanging on the mirror. A post card actually. It was him and a younger woman sitting together and laughing. He was much younger in the image. Almost a child. The post card read "To my marvelous baby boy. I love you Yn".

Yn: Love you too mom... Wish you were here....

Yn continues stripping down and gets in the shower. Like the rain he enjoyed showers. The water hitting his skin. The sound of it hitting the walls. He often took a little long in the shower. Not on purpose but he just gets lost in his mind often times. It's so easy for him. But today he couldn't really afford that. He wasn't exactly done today. He just wanted to wash off the saw dust and sweat from work. Yn worked in a pallet factory. It was hard work and it kinda sucked. But it payed and nobody bothered him.

He finished pretty quick today and hopped out dressing in some cleaner clothes after throwing his work clothes, simple black cargo pants, simple yellow Tshirt, and safety vest, into his laundry basket. Walking to the door once more he unlocks it and walks out again.

Yn: Let's go little sis... I'm coming to see you.

Yn starts his walk. If only it was just to her place. He was on his way to the hospital. His sister years before had attempted suicide. She failed but the attempt failed and now she was stuck in a coma. The doctors have recently decided that now is the time. She's been under for three years. It's time to let her go. Yn is still fighting them. He refuses to let her go. She could wake up any day. He knew she would. She had to. Right?

Yn: I won't give up on you Eliza... Never...

He spends about three minutes walking to the hospital and checks in to visit Eliza when he enters. He was allowed in and as he did every time he came he entered the elevator and exited it on the third floor. Yn makes his way down the nearly empty halls, enters room 134 and looks on at his younger sister. Pale from lack of sunlight. Thin from how hard it was to feed her. Frail from lack of movement or exercise. Yn sat down shakily. The only sound was his Shakey breath, her ragged breathing, and the heart monitor. He gently grabs her hand. Looking at her his eyes water uncontrollably. He remembers that night horrifically well. He got home. Heard her scream in frustration and sadness. Ran up the steps to find her already falling out of the window. She fell three stories and landed head first. She only survived because she was completely limp and didn't seize up on impact with the dirt. She was really fuckin lucky to be alive. But she never woke up.

Yn: H-Hey sis... I-It's me... I'm back... J-Just thought I would check in....

She doesn't respond of course. What else could Yn expect? But he still held onto hope. But today... His hope would be shattered. His fire pit out. He hears a change in the heart monitor. The beeping. It was slowing down. He quickly jumps out of his chair.

Yn: What!? No! Eli!

He tries doing chest compressions out of pure desperation. After minutes it doesn't improve her condition. He quickly bursts out into the hallway.


Several nurses burst from different rooms and one flew down the hallway to get a doctor while the other three rush to Eliza's room. Yn a desperate crying mess rushes back in with them. His desperate pleas managed to have a response thankfully. The nurses did everything that they knew how to do. But unfortunately her heart beat kept slowly dropping. By the time the doctor arrived her heart stopped. He ordered for a ressucitation device immediately. They managed to get one fast and went immediately to work. They kept going for at least fifteen minutes. Nothing. She was gone. Gone for good. The doctor looks over at the devastated Yn. Yn was at a loss. His words failed. His own heart may well have stopped beating.

Yn: No.... No.. No. No no no! No! NO! NO!!!

The poor young man falls to his knees as the flood gates open. His last blood family. His last chain. His last link to his sanity. Gone. Never to open her eyes again.


One of the nurses kneels down beside him and starts gently patting his back in attempt to comfort him. Not knowing how else to respond to her attempt, he clings to her crying into her shoulder. She surprisingly doesn't pull away or scold him, she merely accepts his feeble attempt at cling to something, anything for support. He eventually lets go of the poor woman and gets to his feet. He grabs his sister's cold hand.

Yn: I love you Eli... Sweet dreams... You're in a better place.....

He stays long enough in the hospital to watch her enter the morgue and he leaves.

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