Yn's check up and reconnection

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Yn sat in Ann's clinic waiting for her orders. She had done a thorough check on his skull. She found it had fractured near the top of his skull. The side effects of this injury lead to the concussion and bloody nose. As well as the nasty cut on the top of his head from Angel's strike. He was still slightly loopy, though he had recovered enough to realize what he said and be embarrassed by it. He didn't say much but his face was flush with a light shade of pink. Ann was silent apart from when she requested him to move or asked him questions.

Ann: Do you still feel dizzy?

Yn: No ma'am

Ann: Can you stand without wobbling?

Yn tries to stand up with little struggle. She sits him back down and goes down the rest of the list with him. He swears he could see a little pink beneath her mask. Once she was done making sure he was ok, she stood in front of him with hands on her hips looking down at him.

Yn: A-Ann...?

Ann: What you said... Did you mean it....?

Yn becomes a little more flustered and tries to stutter out his response.

Yn: Y-Yes I-I d-did....

Ann looks at him a little longer, then gently brings him into a hug. She rests her chin as gently as possible on the top of his head, pressing him to her with her hands on the back of his head and wrapped around his shoulders. Yn had to admit that this feels incredibly awesome.

Ann: Thank you.... It's been such a long time since anyone ever called me pretty.... It means so much to hear you say that....

Yn hugs her back and leans into her. She was a bit cold, but somehow it was like a comforting cool. Like a nice breeze on a super hot summer day. All good things must come to an end though, she did eventually let go, but those few moments felt like hours. She took another look at the top of his head and checked the stitches she put into it.

Ann: Your head should be fine, as long as you don't thrash it about too much. If you get any headaches, take these.

She hands him a bottle of pills.

Ann: Just one should take care of you for a good four hours. No sparing until it heals, got it young man?

Yn nods in confirmation and takes the pills. He gets up and stretches his stiff body. Before he can leave though, Ann gets on her tiptoes and pulls his head down slightly to give his forehead a kiss. After pulling up her mask, she rests a hand on his cheek.

Ann: Be careful, ok? I can't stand the idea of seeing you hurt.

Yn: Yes m-ma'am. I-I'll try.

He nods his head one last time and goes to leave the room. Upon opening the door he's met with several faces. Angel looking embarrassed and somewhat annoyed, though guilty was still present. Jess and Lia were there sharing looks of worry, though Jess also looked kinda angry. And lastly, Jane stood behind them all, is she pouting? Jess is the first to move immediately doing her own sort of check-up, admittedly a little more rough than Ann.

Jess: Jesus fuck, Angel! You didn't have to go and fuck him up!

Angel: I said sorry, you bitch!

Yn: Jess I'm-

Jess: Sorry doesn't unfuck his skull dumbass!

Angel: What do you want me to do then!? Snap my fingers and poof it back to normal!?

Yn: Jess really it's-

Jess: I'd clean your clock right now you-


They both stop yelling as he raises his voice, slightly startling all of them. It got their attention though. All eyes are on him. With a sigh, he fills them all in.

Yn: Look, Nurse said I would be fine in a couple weeks. Just need to be careful with my head. Gave me a bottle of pills for headaches and sent me out. I'll be fine. Simple as that.

The girls stare at him for a moment before all calm down. Angel apologizes one last time before walking away, still noticably red. Jess huffs and crosses her arms before hugging him quickly and walking away. Lia pats his shoulder with a relieved smile and follows her. Leaving Yn and Jane alone. Yn alone with his childhood crush.

Yn: S-So.. How's-

Jane: Cut the crap. Why did you leave?

Yn sat there in stunned silence. He had expected her to be mad, but this was definitely different from the Jane he had known. This Jane was assertive and aggressive.

Jane: No warning. No heads-up. No goodbye. Not a damn thing. You were just gone. Where the fuck did you go and why did you leave?

The interrogated could only look away in shame. He never wanted to leave. He never wanted to just disappear. His dad has made him. Yn tries to say something but was cut off.

Jane: Why the hell did you leave!? Everything was great! Everything was fine! Then you left and everything went to shit! Without you everything fell apart! Where were you!

She had started crying in the middle of her outburst. Now Yn felt really guilty. He had never wanted to hurt her. He'd never wanted to hurt any of them.

Yn: I d-didn't want to! B-But dad... Dad said we had to! He wouldn't let me say goodbye! I swear I never wanted to leave to begin with!

Jane: Then why did you go!? What happened!?

Yn: Mom died! She died while giving birth to my sister! And then dad said I had an episode! Like some sort of mental breakdown or some shit! When I woke up there was blood on my hands and the doctor was calling me a demon! He said we had to go because of it!

Jane stared at him, not sure what to say or do. She finally got the answer she wanted for so long. Yet now that she has it, she can't say she's happy to have it. Not knowing what else to do, she pulls him into a tight hug. While she'll hate this moment of weakness later, she started crying into his chest. Yn doesn't know what to do besides hug her back. He wraps his arms around her, petting her head gently while she cried.

Yn: I'm sorry Jane.... I never wanted to hurt you... I promise....

Jane: I know.... hic I-I just... I n-needed you... And y-you w-weren't there! sniff

Yn hugs her tighter to himself. He has a lot of lost time to make up for.

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