Basic training pt. 2

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Yn: Time to make the donuts.... And hopefully not become one.....

Angel: Oh don't over exaggerate. I won't hurt you THAT bad. I'll only rough you up~

Yn feels a chill crawl up his spine at her words. There was no reason for her to be so ominous in his mind. He does his best to ready up. He was rusty after not having used a blade in a while. Hopefully, what he knew would come back quickly enough. It didn't take long for Angel get into stance and stare him down. Her stare changed though. It went from her oddly flirty and playful look, to a stone cold killer. Yn did his best to do the same. Harden his expression and show no emotion. For a moment he thought he saw Angel's expression waver slightly. Almost as if his cold glare surprised her, but hd must of imagined it because he blinked and he saw her glare again. Yn blinked again and saw she was already in front of him. He barely has a chance to react before getting his block knocked off.

Yn: Shit she's fast!

Yn tried to retaliate as fast as she attacked, only to get parried. Angel went to counter in the same stroke, and Yn barely blocks it. When he goes to strike again, Angel parries him effortlessly. This fight was very obviously one sided. Yn tried his best, but in a mere three encounters, Angel strikes him in the chest with a thrust. He falls back on his ass with a heavy exhale. After panting on the floor for a minute, he forces himself back to his feet. Angel watches him not showing anything on her face. As funny as it was to her, she did understand that making fun of him would do the opposite of encouragement. Yn gets back into his stance. This time he takes the initiative and charges. Angel goes to finish in one strike, only for Yn to bluff his attack and redirect it forcing her to block. To her surprise, he continues his assault. In an attempt to keep her from getting even a breath, he keeps going with a flurry of strikes, all of which get blocked or parried. Yn's old way of fighting was to harass and assail his opponent, not giving them a moments rest or respite. No room to attack meant less of a chance to land a fatal blow.

Angel: Holy shit he's fast! Where the hell did this speed come from!?

Yn went for a powerful overhead strike. Angel parries it but it wasn't enough. Yn used the redirection to his advantage and nearly struck her. Unfortunately for him, this forced Angel to take it seriously. Before he could even process it, he was on the ground and his head felt like it was split in half. When he finally processed what happened, he realized that Angel had struck him on the head faster than he could react. He also realized the blow had done more than the blonde may have intended. A warm fluid trickled from his nose and dropped down from his chin. Angel gasped and dropped her practice weapon. Rogue hopped over the ring border and rushed to Yn with Angel.

Angel: Jesus fuck dude are you ok!?

Yn: I-I think....? My head hurts... And is my nose bleeding...?

Rogue: Yeah kiddo, it is. Geez Dina did he scare ya that bad?

Angel: I didn't expect somebody callin' himself a noob to pull that off! My instincts kicked in!

They proceeded to check his head over as best they can. Especially after blood started trickling down his for head.

Rogue: Slenda?

The sound of static could be heard and then her voice.

Slenda: What happened?

She sounded concerned after seeing a somewhat bleeding Yn on the floor barely able to sit up.

Rogue: Could you get Ann please? He managed to surprise Dina and payed for it.

Angel: I said I'm sorry!!!

Angel pouted, it was quite evident she never meant to draw blood. Slenda seemed intrigued but sighed and vanished. Only to reappear not even a second later with Ann in tow. Ann herself quickly rushed to his side and was able to identify everything quickly.

Ann: Holy fuck! How are you still conscious!? You have a severe concussion and your skull is very likely fractured given the nose bleed! Put it simply, Angel clubbing you over the head should have knocked you the fuck out!

Angel: Stop making me feel worse!!!

Angel pouted harder with her eyes tearing up. Yn couldn't help but smile and laugh. They all look at him shocked.

Yn: I don't know if it's just my head being fucked up or whatever, but seeing you pout? It's fuckin adorable.

Dina stares at him in shock. Soon her face explodes into a shade of pink out of pure embarrassment. She quickly turns away to hide her face and shouts at him.


Yn himself laughs like a drunk man, as if this was absolutely hilarious to him. Rogue and Slenda are in a stunned silence. Ann on the other hand had a look that almost screamed, jealousy? Yn apparently took notice of this.

Yn: Hey Ann?

Ann: W-What?

Yn: You're the mostest prettiest nurse I've ever seen!

Ann froze in shock after hearing this come from him. Nobody could see it, but her face grew a couple more shades red than a corpse should reasonably be able to. She quickly starts to try and inspect the rest of his injuries in silence. Rogue and Slenda keep staring in shock at his massive balls.

Ann: Slenda....

Slenda: Y-Yes...?

Ann: Help me b-bring him to the infirmary... P-Please...

Slenda: O-Of course.

Slenda gently picks Yn up and teleports with Ann to the Ann's own room. Rogue looks at Angel.

Rogue: "Fuckin adorable"?


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