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Yn stares long and hard at the door in front of him. Then he grows a pair, and walks into Helen's room, though not quite excited to do so. He had to be mentally prepared for the probing he's about to go through. As Yn steps in, Helen looks up from the canvas she's working on and smiles under her mask. Yn sits down next her after she pat the open space on her bed, doing so allowed him to see what she was painting. It was a portrait of him surprisingly enough. The whole painting was done in red, presumably blood of her name held any meaning. It was startlingly accurate to say the least. What was more impressive was how good she was at using her unique medium. To get darker shades, and even a little black for shadows, she simply layered more blood. As it dried the shade darkened the more layers she added. There was one thing that made Yn's skin crawl slightly, and it wasn't the blood. It was the dark demonic entity standing over him in the background. A shadow bearing a maniacal and jagged grin. It's claws poised to grab him at a moment's notice.

Yn: That's.... Terrifying... Not going to lie even slightly.

Helen looked at him and then back at the painting. She gave a small chuckle and dabbed a few more spots on the canvas before she presumably finished.

Helen: Rogue would never admit it, but she found it intimidating too. This is what she described seeing before you gave her the hurt.

Yn: Jeez. I didn't think I was this bad.

Helen once again gave a little giggle in response. Yn watched as she set her tools in their proper places and cleaned her brushes. He also now noticed the bucket of blood at her feet. Truth be told it smelled horrendous in her room. The blood giving the thick scent of iron. Yn scrunches up his nose when he finally becomes conscious of it. Painter seemed to have noticed.

Helen: Sorry about the smell. It's an inconvenient downside to my art. Anyways, welcome to my humble room. It's your first session so we'll be more or less just getting introduced than anything.

As she spoke, Yn took a look around her room. It was truly humble. There wasn't much other than her bed, a dresser, and a bedside table. Of course there was also her art supplies.

Yn: Okaaaaay.... So what do you want to know....?

He turns back to her as he asks his question. She takes a chair she had folded up against the wall and sets it down in front of him.

Helen: Let's start with some things you like hm?

She asked this question with a sweet tone to her voice. Yn sits in silence for a minute as he tries to formulate a response. Once he has one he feels acceptable, he tells her.

Yn: I like video games. I have an interest in fantasy. You know... Like DnD, Magic the Gathering, and other stuff like that. I could be considered a foodie. I do draw and doodle from time to time.

Helen: Oh a fellow artist! How exciting! The only other hobby artist in the mansion is Clocky. Her and I draw and paint together often. She's quite talented actually.

Yn: That's cool. I guess that's nice to know.... I'll keep that in mind. I'm not that good though... Realism is really hard, so most everything I draw is more.... Cartoon-y? I guess?

Helen: Oh don't worry about it. You don't need to be able to draw realism to be a good artist. Everyone has their strengths. You should show me your pencil work sometime.

Yn scratches the back of his neck nervously, looking away from Painter. He gives a nervous chuckle before responding to her.

Yn: Sure... Maybe I will... E-Eventually.

Helen: So when's your birthday?

Yn: Oh it's... It's actually (y/b/d). Not that it matters much.... I don't really tend to make a fuss about it... Since there's nobody around who still cares.......

Yn looked down to the floor saddened slightly. It only now just hit him, the gravity of his familial status. He was the last living member of his family, the last of his bloodline, the only survivor left. He was alone, truly alone, and he had nobody. Helen, as if reading his mind and mental processes, placed a hand on his knee.

Helen: The look on your face says all. You feel alone, don't you? It's understandable. Perfectly normal even. You're the last man standing. That's hard to deal with for even the toughest of men. But you're not actually alone, are you?

Yn looks up at her, a questioning look on his face. His next words voiced his confusion.

Yn: I'm not?

Helen gives an oddly cute giggle while covering her masked mouth. She takes off her mask, showing her youthful, smooth face. Her ocean blue eyes slightly sparkled.

Helen: Of course not. Here's a little secret. Here in this mansion? We're a bit of a dysfunctional family. We all care for each other, though, some have a harder time expressing this than others.... But we are still a family nonetheless. And now.... You're a part of that family too.

She flashes a small smile and gives him a gentle pat on the back. Yn looks down at her and takes a moment to process what she just said.

Yn: I'm... I'm part of this family too....? D-Does.. Does she mean that.....?

Yn slowly starts the give a small smile of his own.

Yn: I have a family again.... Or at least... It will certainly feel that way soon...

He gives in to his joyful feeling and gives Helen a one armed hug. Painter herself? She squeaks in surprise at the unexpected gesture of good will. His strong and lean arm wrapping around her shoulders startled her. But oddly enough, she really liked it. He was warm. Really warm. Something about him just felt really safe. Secure even.

Helen: This feels... Really nice. I could get used to this.

Though, much to Helen's dissatisfaction, all good things come to an end. He removes his arm and she secretly pouts to herself. She quickly recovers though, and looks at her clock.

Helen: Oh my! It seems our session is over for today! But I do hope that you found it comfortable and not at all deceitful.

Yn: Well... Slenda is a mind reader.... So... If she trusts you... Then I can too. Right? Thank you. You helped... Put a few thoughts to rest. I need some time to think on things. Maybe sleep on it some.

Helen: Of course. It's my pleasure. No thanks needed. Go get some sleep. Tomorrow is another day, right?

Yn: Yeah. Yeah it is.

Yn's mood was much lighter than when he walked in. He said his goodbyes, but before he could fully leave....

Helen: Oh, and Yn?

Yn: Yes?

Helen: Welcome to the family!

She then closes the door and leaves Yn alone in the dark bedroom hallway. He gives a small smile to himself.

Yn: Glad to be here...

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