Basic training pt. 1

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Yn was woken up early in the morning by someone knocking on the door. Yn slowly sits up and rubs his eyes to rub away his drowsiness. His next move is getting out of bed and going to the door. Upon reaching his own door he opens it to find Rogue there.

Yn: What's up...?

Rogue: You're about to get the new blood treatment today. So hurry up and freshen up. You're going to be eating after we finish. Hope you're ready.

Yn: Oh joy.....

Rogue gives a small chuckle at his sarcastic remark and simply ruffles his hair as she walks away. Swiftly after Yn finds himself already in the shower washing his scarred body under the warm heaven cascading down his body. Alas, all good things must end. He exits the shower with great reluctance and dresses in some joggers and a tank top. Lastly, he wraps up his arms and hands before he walks out of his room. Rogue was waiting outside his door when he exited.

Yn: Oh... You're already waiting... Sorry.

Rogue: You took less time then some here. So that's a plus. No c'mon. No time to dilly dally.

She grabs him by the collar of his shirt and drags him to the gym room. She lets him go in front of a floor mat and points to it.

Rogue: Two hundred and fifty pushups. Two minutes. Go.

Yn looked at her for a second out of confusion before she growled and he jumped into position. He starts off pretty strong, making it to one hundred and ninety in one minute and fifteen seconds, but he begins to struggle at the last stretch. Bear in mind the world record for pushups is one hundred and fifty-two in one minute. Sadly Yn finished fifteen seconds late.

Rogue: Too slow. Next. Sit ups. One hundred and twenty. Two minutes. Go.

Yn switches positions and starts going at it. Once again, strong start, slow finish. This time he's thirty seconds late.

Rogue: Too slow again. Pick it up. Five laps around the gym. Two minutes. Go.

Our young hero proceeds to jump up and bolts around the room. This he actually does accomplish this but only barely.

Rogue: Acceptable. Squats. One hundred and sixty. Two minutes. Go.

Yn definitely did not complete this on time after the run. He was somewhat out of breath. No he was definitely out of breath. He was just asked to break three world records.

Yn: pant Wait.... Did I just.... Did I just do the one punch man workout...? cough

Rogue: It works doesn't it? Shut up and get ready new blood. It's time for your sparring training. I'm starting with hand to hand and then Dina will handle your weapon sparring.

Yn: Oh joy... I feel... So privileged....

Rogue simply slaps the back of his head and hops in the ring.

Rogue: Enough complaints or no breakfast.

Yn immediately shuts up as breakfast is his only reason to get up in the morning. He clambers into the ring after Rogue, feeling quite stupid for how winded he is already. Rogue looks back at him and merely chuckles to herself at his expense.

Rogue: Don't tell me the little devil is tired?

Yn: "Little devil"...?

Rogue: My new nickname for you. After your initiation. I won't lie to you.... You scared the shit out of me for a second. I saw a little devil in you.

Yn: Oh... That.... Right.......

Yn looks down a little upon remembering that fight. He still wasn't proud of loosing his control. Rogue notices and shakes her head with a light chuckle.

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