Breakfast with a side of drama

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Yn was glad to get something to eat. The granola bars and gummy worms admittedly did not keep him too full for long on the road. He was very much a very hungry boy. As he waited in the living room, the TV was on and neither Smilie not Sally wanted off his lap. Sally was clung to him and Smilie apparently thinks he's a lap dog. Not that Yn minded anyway. It was at least comfortable. Though soon the metaphorical breakfast bell rang as Slenda called the whole house to eat. Yn looked up at this and Smilie got off his lap. Sally on the other hand wanted to be carried so Yn did just that. He carried her to the dining room.

Sally: So this is what it's like to be tall.

Yn: What? Nobody's ever carried you?

Sally: Only sometimes. But it's usually only Rogue or Clocky. You're taller than them.

Yn: Hm. Noted.

Yn set Sally down in her chair and she insisted he sit next to her.

Sally: Please sit next to me!

She even gave him every man's weakness. Puppy dog eyes.

Yn: I don't know. I don't want to take anyone else's spot. It would be rude...

Slenda: Don't worry young one. That spot is open. Go ahead.

Yn: If you say so.

He sits down and Sally cheers and giggles having gotten what she wanted. Soon the other women file in. Jess, Jane, Lia, Ann, and Rogue we're right behind Yn after having separated to do there own morning routines. Rogue sat in front of Yn. Jess sat on his right as Sally had been to his left next to the end of the table wich is obviously Slenda's seat. Ann and Lia sat to the left and right of Rogue respectively. The rest of the house filled in what seats where left. Smilie pulled his bowl behind Yn and sat behind him. Slenda used her many hair spawned tendrils to place down the many plates of food and drinks that she had prepared. There was a lot to say the least. Bacon and eggs. Sausage and biscuits. Hash browns and corn beef hash. A pitcher of orange juice and some milk. Pancakes and what was a dish of waffles until Tami got to it. There was pretty much anything anyone could want for breakfast. There was even some white biscuit gravy placed near the platter of sausage. Yn grinned as his stomach growled and he started filling his plate. The girls dug in not far behind him.

Yn: Thanks for the food Slenda!

Yn said this with a goofy grin on his face wich Slenda couldn't help but giggle to herself about.

Slenda: You're very welcome.

Soon table conversation started sprouting up here and there. Jess decided to start one with Yn. For old times sake.

Jess: So... How was it...? After you left?

Yn stopped stuffing his face and looked over at her gulping down his mouthful.

Yn: Well... To be honest... It kinda sucked.... After mom died... It was hard. I had a... A small outburst and then dad decided it might be best for us both to leave. To start over. I didn't want to but what could I have done. I was seven and I now had the responsibility of looking after my new little sister...

Jess: So that's why... That's why you left without saying goodbye....

Jane: Your mom....? Really...? She was a beautiful woman... A beautiful person... That doesn't seem fair...

Ann: Not in the slightest... But the world isn't fair. Look at all of us. Most of us were normal everyday people. All it took was a really bad day pretty much.

Rogue: Yeah.... No kidding.

Yn: Yeah. Few years went by... Started middle school and I.. I really hated people by this point.... And then I entered highschool and everything went to shit...

Jane: How so...?

Yn: Well my dad was diagnosed with lung cancer.... And then he died two years later. Sis was getting hardcore bullied... Tried to commit suicide.... Failed and went into a coma. Then died a few months ago... It's why I decided to come back...

The whole table had been listening to his tale and a good few looks of sympathy and some of pity. Not that he was paying attention.

Jess: All of them.... Every single one... They meant everything to you....

Yn: All snuffed out in a blink.... I still feel the unbearable weight...

Helen: Yn I would like to see you once a week starting from today after dinner. I'm nipping this in the bud while I can. Mental health is important. Even killers and psychos need to maintain theirs.

Helen had spoken up from the other side of the table. Her piercing blue eyes locked on his dull e/c orbs without even turning her head. He seemed very reluctant on the idea of agreeing to this. Jane placed her hand on his.

Jane: Trust her. It's ok. She's not like "him". Ok?

Helen: I'm not taking no for an answer. I will drag you out of your room.

Yn: Fine.... But don't expect me to be happy about it.

Helen: You won't be. At first. You will see. Everyone here said the same. The worst was Clockwork. Even she came around.

Mentioned young woman waved slightly at the mention of her name and Yn acknowledged her with a nod. He looks back down at his plate and goes back to eating. Slenda reaches a gentle hand to his head and gently pats it.

Slenda: I promise she only wants to help. You have my word.

Yn nods his head in acceptance. He didn't seem to have a choice. He looked over at Slenda and smiled her as a silent thank you. She nodded. He finishes his food and starts washing his dishes. Smilie seemed to want to stick close so he just layed himself down at Yn's feet while he waited. It didn't take long though as just a few seconds later Yn finished up and placed his washed and dried plate and utensils in their respective places. He looked at Smilie and pat his leg. Smilie hopped up to his feet and followed Yn out of the kitchen/dining room as the girls finished up themselves.

What a lovely breakfast

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