On the road and return

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Josh wasn't very happy admittedly about giving the guy who kicked his ass a ride but he was outnumbered four to one. The group did have small banter while Yn read his book in the back of the car. Nathan decided to include Yn into the banter though.

Nathan: Yo Yn? What's the long box? I saw it but I can't figure it out what it could be.

Yn: A sword.

He answered quite bluntly and simply. The four who weren't driving looked at him quizzically. All were silent until Andy spoke up first.

Andy: Why are you walking around with a sword?

Yn: It's one of the only things I own. Got it seven years ago. A custom made katana. My most prized possession.

Nathan: Well when you put it that way....

Eva: That's actually...

Lizzie: Pretty damn cool....

Andy: Are you joking? That's badass! He's like a ronin from stories and books! Walking on the road with only his belongings and his faithful blade! A quiet nomad who walks where the wind carries him!

Yn couldn't help but chuckle at Andy's over dramatization of his own situation.

Yn: I wouldn't go that far. I'm just a guy going home. That's all. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Andy: I like my version better...

All but Josh laugh. Josh simply scowls but he knows better than to open his mouth. That is, until Yn speaks up.

Yn: I'm sorry about knocking you out. Please do understand, I only meant to defend myself. I don't LIKE hurting people. I just do what I need to do when someone gets aggressive.

Josh looked surprised to say the least. And now he felt guilty.

Josh: No.... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been an ass....

He doesn't say anything more, but at least the hatchet was partially buried. After a couple of hours, they saw an old gas station out in the middle of nowhere pretty much. Though more accurately it was a truck stop. The group pulled in and Josh immediately began the process of filling the cars gas tank. Yn hopped out first and he started gathering his things but Eva stopped him.

Eva: Hold on dude. Why not get something to eat first? Relax a bit. Besides there's no need to kill your legs.

Yn looked at her and then smiled lightly nodding. Eva slightly blushes but she hid it well.

Eva: He's so cute! Too bad I'm taken... Oh well. Nathan will always be my one and only!

Yn heads inside the truck stop and scouts out something to eat. Nathan and Andy followed with Eva as Lizzie stayed with Josh to fill the gas tank. Yn quickly found some snacks and even the hotdog machine. He made himself two hotdogs and grabbed a bag of gummy worms. He went to the cashier and paid. As he exited he watched the other three grab some food and drinks too. He sits down outside the door and starts eating his hotdogs just looking out at the horizon. The group eventually all end up sitting down with him.

Lizzie: So Yn? What're you going to do when you get home?

The others looked at him waiting for his  response. He chuckles his gaze still looking out at the setting sun. The slight breeze flowing through his hair.

Yn: I don't know. It's been... A real long time. I don't even know if it'll be the same as when I left. I mean, it's been quite a few years.

Yn looked across the now darkening sky as the stars start sparkling beautifully.

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